$53.14 crowdfunded from 40 people
$77.37 received from matching pools
About the project
'KriptoBetyár' is a one-man "passion-project" aiming to provide free educational content in Hungarian language, and also organize a welcoming community that helps both newcomers and advanced users navigate the crypto-space.
My main motivation for starting the project was the lack of Hungarian content focusing on the core values of crypto, and especially on the Ethereum ecosystem. (other communities and projects are focused only on trading, tabloid-level news and Bitcoin-related stuff)
Hungary is a small country with a high percentage of people speaking no foreign languages (and also has quite high inflation). Only a few percent of the population is interested in crypto yet, and unfortunately many of them start their journey by buying into ponzies and/or by paying to fake "experts" and "advisors".
I created the "KriptoBetyar" Facebook page in august 2021, and since then I've been getting a lot of positive feedback confirming that there's a need for the more sophisticated, professional view I'm aiming to provide. Last year I started building a Discord community using web3 tools like NFTs, OP Attestations, Guild.xyz - which was a "moderate" success, as even most of my followers prefer web2 platforms. This year I made two podcast episodes as an experiment, but later switched to video content due to the demand coming from the community.
Lately I've been focusing on creating a "crypto-speedrun" video series starting from the problem of scaling trust, the blockchain trilemma, and the modular blockchain thesis. Eventually I'd like to get to more advanced topics, such as zero-knowledge, ReFi, or the meta-crisis.
I would also like to find ways to help/automate self-education in Hungarian, either by helping with the translation of existing projects, or by forking and customizing them for the local needs.
About me
I'm a backend dev by profession (working as a freelancer). Got into crypto in 2017, started by mining ETH, got interested in DeFi later, made my mistakes, but learned a lot on the way - and still keep on learning.
I've been running 'KriptoBetyár' in a non-profit way, as a hobby, but nevertheless I'd like to improve my skills as well as the quality and the amount of the content I produce further.
About the grant
The funding could help me spend more time (and money) besides my work on improving the project, reaching more people, building the community and personally helping people.
You can find all my links on the Guild.xyz community page.
"Betyár" means "social bandit", a well known and respected character in Hungarian history and folklore.
KriptoBetyár History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 40 people contributed $53 to the project, and $77 of match funding was provided.