L2 Planet

$503.77 crowdfunded from 285 people

$1,167.22 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Project summary: L2 Planet aims to expedite Layer-2 adoption, offering biweekly newsletters, community support, and plans to develop a Layer-2 dashboard and detailed quarterly reports.

Your #1 source of news about Layer-2 solutions for nearly two years. Follow, subscribe, and join 1300+ people!

L2 Planet is a project which works for public goods. The main goal is to accelerate Layer-2 adoption and educate the community about it.

What have we done?

  • We have been running a biweekly Layer-2 newsletter for almost two years.
  • L2 Planet manages and supports local communities such as Optimism TR, Arbitrum Turkey, university clubs, etc.

Could you tell me what next is?

  • Time to evolve our stats page to a detailed Layer-2 dashboard.
  • Prepare data-based detailed quarterly Layer-2 reports.

L2 Planet History

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