$13,269.53 crowdfunded from 6175 people

$16,857.69 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Analytics and research platform providing comparisons, insights, and education on Ethereum Layer 2 solutions, with a focus on transparency, community development, and security.

About us

L2BEAT is a dedicated analytics and research platform for Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) scaling solutions. With an unwavering commitment to transparency, we strive to offer a thorough comparison of diverse Ethereum L2 systems, aiming to enlighten and empower the community with unbiased insights.

We present various non-trivial metrics and have thoroughly analyzed each L2 project to understand its technology's inner workings and associated risks. As an impartial watchdog, we actively monitor and contribute to the development of the L2 space.

Our work

Our ongoing initiatives include:

  • 🌐 Regularly enhancing and incorporating new projects and features on l2beat.com
  • 🛠 Launching open-source utilities and educational tools like Earl and BYOR, supporting the expansion of Ethereum developer ecosystem
  • 🎓 Hosting an array of top-tier events and university meetups, with recent additions like the L2BEAT Governance Brunch during EthCC, L2Warsaw, and L2Days during Devconnect, aimed at nurturing and expanding the Ethereum community
  • 🔍 Developing essential tools like the StarkEx Explorer for the L2 realm
  • 📜 Publishing insightful reports, with our first titled Upgradeability of Ethereum L2s recognized as a must-read by industry leaders
  • 🛡 Actively spotting and reporting security flaws to safeguard the L2 space
  • 🏛 Engaging in governance activities as representatives for four protocols: Arbitrum, Optimism, Hop, and Uniswap

Our future vision is expansive, including big changes to TVL calculation, automating monitoring, and many more.


💡 Your donations are the fuel to our mission, bolstering our relentless endeavors to usher in education, clarity, and invaluable tools to the L2 universe

Your unwavering support means the world to us. Thank you! 💗

L2BEAT History

  • accepted into Ethereum Infrastructure 1 year ago. 6175 people contributed $13,270 to the project, and $16,858 of match funding was provided.

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