Lemonade is building coordination and collaboration tools that make on chain communities seamless and fun!
Our vision: Help empower creators and community builders with coordination tools & incentives that bring the next billion on chain!
Problem: on-chain community launch + coordination for non web3 natives.
Solution: Dapp with a fun no-code wizard for any DAO to launch a QF or RPGF round- built on top of the Gitcoin stack (EasyRetroPGF).
It will initially support Optimism & Base, and easily scalable to any EVM, along with EAS as per the current documentation on https://github.com/gitcoinco/easy-retro-pgf
We will provide on Github and Gitbook the entire documentation to be able to fork and launch on any EVM with with your own customizations.
Background: It started at ZuConnect, where we started working on a research project with pop-up city organizers to understand their pain points, and start an iterative product experiment that brings web2 UX and gamification into DAO building and coordination.
Open beta [WIP]: Starting with how to create simple wallet ID based DAOs for 5-10 people to get started in public. https://app.networkstate.social/wizard/community [https://github.com/lemonadesocial/lemonade-dao-plugins] Detailed documentation on Gitbook coming in a few weeks.
Lemonade History
accepted into Zuzalu Q1-Tech Round 1 year ago.