Let's keep on building, CryptoReuMD
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Dr. CryptoReuMD coordinates a hispanic DAO focused on education and decentralization, fostering crypto adoption and sovereignty, and aims to contribute to the ecosystem, focusing on public goods, layer 2 solutions, and decentralized medical information.

Gm Friends, nice to see you again. It’s been a while or not? Haha.


Well I’m CryptoReuMD (Cryptoreumd.eth),medical doctor with a Rheumatology specialist, with knowledge in statics and critical scientific papers evaluation. I’m inside crypto because i believe that we need not only a P2P payment system, also to make our friends and family sovereign and take control of their content, decisions and universe around them, crypto makes us more humans, to stay away from things that can be overwhelming or problematic, jumping into confidence and coordinations we can keep away any problem inside the traps of Moloch and failure of coordination.

I've been the champion for Nación Bankless since June 2022, and I have been working since november 2021, so i have, i think, some knowledge about coordination process, DAO governance and great decision making. I’ve started my journey with my own channel, walking through the projects that i believed that were relevant and incredible, also i was helping Espacio Cripto as a content moderator, content creator and community builder, when i organized twitter spaces about Layer 2, with all my effort being around adoption Arbitrum, meanwhile we found the Ethereum Mexico project, a community driven by the ethereum ecosystem, where i was talking about projects, layer 2, and the coordination process of governance and how this is important.

Actually as champion of Nacion Bankless, I'm coordinating the DAO, relations, evaluation, coaching and quality monitoring. I am very committed and dedicated, I seek to help everyone, no matter how difficult or far-fetched the desire may be. We are a project of fourteen people that it’s around the world and are native hispanic speakers and some bilingual but we are intended to create content and help the people become Bankless. I’ve been aware of campaigns for Bankless Academy, BanklessDAO, Gitcoin, Meta Pool, Push, and now I'm very active in the governance process.


Arbitrum was my first Layer 2, where I've started to discover how I can bridge and how I can use all the ecosystem. I'm an early user, well that’s what i think, since may 2022, i was on boarding people to use Arbitrum as their first layer 2. and then in Ethereum Mexico I was one of the hostesses of the Mexican community in the Road to Devcon.

Since I'm in charge of the BanklessDAO community in Spanish I've also been doing some work to understand how layer 2 helps the people and try to understand how this process becomes real everyday. For this reason I have taken the enterprise of helping people understand ReFi, Public Goods, onChain Gaming, DAO and the importance of voting power and the fungibility and price of a digital asset.

My mission

My mission with Arbitrum has been a difficult road because I have tried to cooperate, and have different opportunities to talk more about the ecosystem, with grants, talks and even from a questbook and we have always been rejected.

If there is one thing I can be sure of it is that I love the ecosystem but honestly I have been sad about the decisions and changes that exist in relation to governance and decision making. But this time with this round of funding has brought me back to happiness and I hope to have a chance to make my community shine and continue to participate in this life project that is decentralization and human coordination.

My vision

I'm fully committed to public goods, science and coordination. All of my different approaches in the ecosystem it’s just to give and help. As a doctor, it’s my natural point of view, always helping people to make their lives better. I think this is an excellent opportunity. Since my early years I've been looking inside the eyes of people that it’s sick and don't have the means to heal and also to buy their medicines, so this enterprise, this journey it’s to give tools to the people to own their finances and to give what I'm building.

Also another direction of this initiative it’s looking at the DeSci project, which is also part of the roadmap. I think that medicine needs the knowledge of everything, and as a medical doctor I’m battling the misunderstood health policy and social systems, and the vast majority of our patients don't have medicines, health treatments or even food. So i’m choosing as my direction to continue helping people and constitute a decentralized medical journal.

Previous Work:

My personal X Account: @cryptoreumd with 1602 followers, i’m active since 2008, and this are my contributions to Arbitrum:

1.- https://x.com/NacionBankless/status/1638026144409694211?s=20 2.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1636384743989325824?s=20 3.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1645466932374564865?s=20 4.-https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1687621937021820928?s=20 5.-https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1505073876174258177?s=20 6.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1549961783896588299?s=20 7.-https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1643484068250546177?s=20 8.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1638213513004064769?s=20 9.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1463958044484718595?s=20 10.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1433988776557260800?s=20 11.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1572587045205450753?s=20 12.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1422275608139243525?s=20 13.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1675215167200608256?s=20 14.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1522048914593136643?s=20 15..- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1683817991769665537?s=20 16.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1637304802429353984?s=20 17.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1639811559508639744?s=20 18.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1638331640685502465?s=20 19.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1641252856643694592?s=20 20.-https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1636382262571991044?s=20 21.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1697055097790808364?s=20 22.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1603058534542876672?s=20 23.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1636384743989325824?s=20

X-Post that i’ve made from Nación Bankless, that has 2224 followers:

1.- https://x.com/NacionBankless/status/1678739183374946307?s=20 2.- https://x.com/NacionBankless/status/1667631055648747521?s=20 3.- https://x.com/NacionBankless/status/1692558435902947425?s=20 4.- https://x.com/NacionBankless/status/1676198602991972354?s=20 5.- https://x.com/NacionBankless/status/1676650011290124288?s=20 6.- https://x.com/NacionBankless/status/1676649933238325248?s=20 7.- https://x.com/NacionBankless/status/1681744790323355648?s=20

Previous Newsletters, Spanish content that i coordinated to be published and translated from the members and myself of Nacion Bankless:

1.- First steps with Arbitrum Nova: https://nacionbankless.substack.com/p/primeros-pasos-con-arbitrum-nova 2.- How Arbitrum beats Optimism: https://nacionbankless.substack.com/p/como-arbitrum-vence-a-optimism 3.- The Bankless guide to Arbitrum: https://nacionbankless.substack.com/p/la-guia-bankless-de-arbitrum 4.- Arbitrum as Layer 2: https://nacionbankless.substack.com/p/arbitrum-y-la-capa-2 5.- Arbitrum it’s mooning: https://nacionbankless.substack.com/p/arbitrum-esta-en-la-luna 6.- Everything that you need to know about Arbitrum Airdrop: https://nacionbankless.substack.com/p/todo-lo-que-necesitas-saber-sobre 7.- Decentralization about the actual layer 2: https://nacionbankless.substack.com/p/descentralizacion-de-las-principales

I’m also a very happy tester, not an expert, but i was using GMX, Vertex, Axelar, Velo, Testnet user: 1.- https://x.com/cryptoreumd/status/1640788170169274368?s=20 2.- https://goerli.arbiscan.io/address/0xa4369e39e3ed13593adb0142a1ea5d08abdf99c4 3.- https://goerli.arbiscan.io/address/0xA8F0048A0d1A04663Ca5010d0bEaC5BCAEeA0eef

Talking about Arbitrum for Nacion Bankless

1.- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS6ql_ok0B8 As you all know being a leader of a project that focuses on governance and education as a public good is complicated and making proposals for projects takes hours and hours of review, updating, even some stress and frustration, so I share with you that I have made several proposals to the governance of arbitration that have been rejected, I do not do it with the find of evidence the decisions, but with the fact that it has taken me at least 30-40 hours of my life to write, review, and pitch one of each proposal.

Previous Applications that were rejected:

1.- Questbook: https://questbook.app/dashboard/?grantId=0x650b4a0dc2aec18f55adb72f13c5d95631db04be&chainId=10&proposalId=0x472&isRenderingProposalBody=true 2.- Arbitrum x Gitcoin community grants https://builder.gitcoin.co/#/chains/42161/registry/0x73AB205af1476Dc22104A6B8b3d4c273B58C6E27/projects/17 3.- We propose this for the Foundation and also was rejected Source doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kc_WVhporgMsYtBkoFNTGE2w5L-2Kee-ExgPGmZ2zLg/edit?usp=sharing

Governance process:

1.- Snapshot voting to Deploy Talent Protocol in Arbitrum: https://snapshot.org/#/talentprotocol.eth/proposal/0xf9f52e497b4de18225f0f6e66693364726eadc853e0dca9f2671016cd554f350 2.- Donating to Gitcon x Arbitrum Rounds a.- Arbitrum Domain Round https://etherscan.io/tx/0x6414ebbadb48514271d389a24f75347e7228d477ef0733917d109d9c4f8b723d b.- The Education, community growth & events Round https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x31e70a8158bd7dacbe06f9aeb406087223b6cc90128455792ea5d5468681735f 3.- Presence in the Arbitrum Forum: https://forum.arbitrum.foundation/u/cryptoreumd/summary

Closing thoughts

I am very happy to be part of this proposal, I am really excited that Arbitrum has joined the happiness train in web3, supporting projects and adding community. We are creating a new ecosystem of delegation and globalized decision making and I would love to be the leader of this initiative, so with the help of all of you, I am sure things would go quite well.

PROJECT CHANNELS Personal Page: https://sites.google.com/view/cryptoreumd/inicio Project Notion Page: https://www.notion.so/bankless/Bankless-in-Spanish-e51a368ec3dd4a4c99ca797377fae4b5 Pitch Deck: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFrDnMOImQ/SBrziEoB06LcOZq9NpqscA/view?utm_content=DAFrDnMOImQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink Website: https://nacionbankless.substack.com/ Socials: https://linktr.ee/NacionBankless DeWork: https://app.dework.xyz/nacion-bankless Personal Channels: https://twitter.com/cryptoreumd

Let's keep on building, CryptoReuMD History

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