$743.03 crowdfunded from 491 people

$172.95 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Libree provides an accessible, inclusive DeFi ecosystem using Aragon OSx for Web3 communities to create investment vehicles and access DeFi opportunities with a beta MVP offering automated treasury and lending, DAO investment, and governance with Web2-like usability.


Libree is an Accessible, Inclusive & Fair DeFi ecosystem for Web3 communities. In this ecosystem, individuals can generate collective investment vehicles and interact with others for DeFi opportunities.

To provide these customised vehicles, Libree leveraged Aragon’s OSx framework which provides a scalable, secure and flexible infrastructure. With this, Libree enables a DeFi experience that is:

Fair: No intermediaries, ruled and benefited by the community Accessible: Access Pure DeFi that feels like Web2, enabling less experienced to benefit from DeFi Inclusive: Permissionless, supporting emerging collectives & markets

Libree has already a beta MVP that provides the following features to any new/existing DAO generated on Aragon:

  • Join or create a customised collective vehicle
  • Advance governance: creation of a delegation of authority, specialised sub-groups or vaults
  • Automatic Treasury Yield
  • Credit Delegation from AAVE
  • Collateralised borrowing in credit marketplaces
  • NFT & Token investment
  • Investment and lending marketplace

Among our project supporters we have Aragon, AAVE, PWN and Lens.

Problem DAOs have the potential to become the future for collective DeFi investment and a transitional vehicle for Web2 organisations.

However, most DAO providers do not focus on offering DeFi specific functionality.

This is preventing the DAOs to maximise their potential and limiting the adoption of organisations, traditional investors and users.

While the growth of DeFi has encouraged the surge of DAOs for collective investment, these solutions:

Do not provide specific Governance or DeFi tooling which force DAOs to use external tools that require a certain level of technicality and for the treasury to leave the DAOs contract.

These DAOs also require complex development processes in order to add new functionality or customisation. This has a significant impact on DAOs community engagement and their idled treasuries.

Product In Libree users can generate/join Collective DeFi Vehicles and access a permissionless DeFi marketplace where both beginners & senior investors can participate. Libree allows:

✓ Automatic lending: match criteria & lend ✓ Competitive rates for both lenders and borrowers ✓ New lending products: e.g Tokenised Cash-flows Lending Collateralisation ✓ Social Impact lending: e.g. venture funding, creators funding… ✓ Web3 Venture Capital investment ✓ DAO to DAO Investment

Technology Libree’s is built on Aragon OSx DAOs but customised through Libree's plugins. This provides advance DeFi capabilities:

✓ These vehicles are fully customisable trough pick & choose plugins (no-code, no external tools) ✓ These plugins provide lending, governance & operational tooling which can be deployed in any other existing Aragon DAO ✓ These community vehicles can be composed by small, medium or large investors at any level of expertise ✓ These DAOs can diversify risks/exposure through a variety of treasury strategies and automates treasury yield earning ✓ Libree provides a Web2-like onboarding and management experience such as Account Abstraction and automatisation ✓ Libree’s ensures 100% participation through governance & comprehensive analytical tools for informed decision making

Libree’s Beta MVP We currently have a Beta MVP that allows users:

✓ To create a ready to use DAO from 2 different templates:

  • Smart DAO: Best for beginners who don’t want to be active users and want to rely on others to make decisions
  • Unity DAO: Best for Web3 savvy communities, who want to actively engage in the investment decision process ✓ To automatise the execution of approved proposals ✓ To deposit DAOs Treasury in AAVE and get a recurrent yield ✓ Fund Lens creators using their future cash-flow as collateral ✓ To provide an automatic Credit Delegation in PWN marketplace or to other DAOs/Wallets ✓ To create professional working sub-groups that hold delegation of authorities to streamline decision making ✓ To get portfolio analytics on their performance and past transactions

Traction & Validation Libree has received a grant from AAVE, a prizefrom Aragon, Lens and PWN for this project. Libree was awarded by Aragon as the Best Quick-started Dapp at Global DAO hackathon and is closely working development leader team

There is no other Community Lending Vehicle in the market, nor with our community support and collaborations

Funding Team Our team has successfully been working together for over 2 years and had delivered other web3 projects in the past. Our team combines deep expertise in Web3, financial products and strong commercial and strategic knowledge. This is something extremely unusual in Web3 projects which usually fail as they lack either true understanding of the Web3 or commercial and strategic focus

Ivan Blockchain Engineer +12 yrs Banking & Consulting Senior blockchain developer: Experienced software engineer with 10+ years of expertise in traditional finance and crypto industries. Experience in JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, and Solidity with knowledge of financial products, application integration, and DeFi data. Ivan made key contributions to the blockchain community through his research. He has also developed new capabilities in organisations such as Filecoin, Aragon, or The graph where he maintains close relationships. Lately he has been working very closely with Aragon in regards to Libree.

Teresa: MBA with +10 years in Banking in the UK Teresa has extensive experience in evaluating technology and strategic innovation in banking. She worked for world leading Banks, Fintech and lately in Web3. As the CEO of Libree, she has been responsible for product design, business development, strategy, and fundraising. She has key business & institutional connections in different countries.

Libree History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 491 people contributed $743 to the project, and $173 of match funding was provided.

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