$41.91 crowdfunded from 3 people
LifeShip is a decentralized community movement to spread life to the stars. Our first mission is a DNA seed bank time capsule on the Moon. People add their DNA and life story. The capsule contains the DNA of Earth's species and a cultural record of humanity. LifeShip is the first off-world backup of Earth and a seed bank to send on future interstellar missions.
LifeShip is humanity's participatory space program. We're launching a DAO to engage people in this galactic mission for humanity. We are saving a decentralized record of Earth's genetic blueprint across time and space. We store DNA of many species on the blockchain and make that accessible to researchers. People will be able to sponsor the species through tokens that benefit ecosystems today. It is a decentralized mission to the stars that benefits Earth today. LifeShip will bring a new community of space enthusiasts into Web3.
LifeShip is a way to be part of humanity's future in space. People get a vote in a decentralized space mission. People propagate their DNA and story across space. LifeShip is the billion year decentralized mission that ripples life across the galaxy and beyond.
LifeShip already has launched two capsules on SpaceX rockets to space, is on two upcoming missions to the Moon, and has 3000 customers who have added their DNA. Now we are going decentralized and onboarding a new community to Web3.
LifeShip | Decentralized space capsules History
accepted into DeSpaceQF Test Round 1 year ago.
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 2 people contributed $8 to the project, and $0 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 1 people contributed $2 to the project, and $0 of match funding was provided.
applied to the DeSci (Decentralized Science) 1 year ago which was rejected