McKennedys application
average score over 4 application evaluations
1. Developing a card game that teaches quadratic funding and Sybil defense with simple yet engaging Uno-like gameplay; currently enhancing rules and AI-generated art. 2. Created a Gitcoin-themed Pacman clone with custom graphics, featuring Gitcoin and Sybil attackers, still refining gameplay. 3. Inviting community members to meme for variety and engagement, acknowledging occasional personal time constraints. 4. Conceiving a unique NFT collection to support public goods, seeking collaborative and technical advice, following an unsuccessful OpenSea test.
  1. QFun - A card game explaining Quadratic Funding, Sybil attacks and Sybil defence mechanisms in a fun and simple way. Refined the rules, working on art with the help of AI. Trying to keep the rules simple yet engaging, the gameplay may remind of a mix of uno and the card game "liar" (also called "cheat") you can find the current assets on this figma page:

  1. Game design - Made a Gitcoin themed Pacman game, with the help of a youtube tutorial ( where pacman is the Gitcoin logo, the ghosts are Sybil attackers and you get to chase them after eating a Gitcoin Passport logo (Can send the file if anyone is interested and wants to test it - it may be a bit clunky and there is a way to get out of bounds, but lets say that that's a feature, not a bug) You can find the game assets on this figma page:

  • also working on something bigger here which isn't fully developed yet (exists mostly in the form of sketches, notes and some assets) and will probably take quite some time, so I'm a bit reluctant to ask for funding for this and i don't want to reveal it yet (includes world and lore building, art(promotional and game assets), coding..). It would come in a variety of different media (comics, games (tabletop and pc)), the first one in the form of a 2d platformer (easier to make) or a strategy game (preferred option but would/will take more time), sooner or later it would probably also include a physical card game. I have to add here that its not fully fleshed out and I don't know how much I've been working on it cause its more of a passion project. At the same time im still learning how to code so game design is a slow process.
  1. Still meming - sometimes i sadly dont find the time to meme (january this year was wild for example), I would just kindly ask to give it a try if you have a good idea and the time. Seeing different styles in the channel is really refreshing and makes my day every time.

  2. Got the best/dumbest NFT collection idea ever. Not asking for funding for this but if any builder has some useful tips or wants to team up on this feel free to DM me on discord so we can chat. Came as far as testing on Open Sea but then it all came crashing down. A fair part of any profits would go towards supporting public goods.

McKennedys application History

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