MetacrisisDAO<>Moloch v3 Build

$403.79 crowdfunded from 13 people

$649.47 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Moloch v3 DAO to address web3 and metacrisis challenges, involving on-chain governance, membership clarity, incentivizing participation, and hosting community decision-making for effective digital democracy.


In this bulleted overview, we will tell a story that hits upon these three key points:

  1. Moloch is a significant archetypal image for the web3 + metacrisis community to align around, "our common enemy."
  2. The Moloch story spawned the Moloch DAO contracts and the DAOhaus community dedicated to iterating upon them.
  3. The Metacrisis community should coordinate using a Moloch v3 DAO to empower our collective struggle against multipolar traps and human coordination failures.

The Myth of Moloch

The Evolution of Moloch DAOs

Moloch v3 as the One True Choice for Metacrisis Coordination

Moloch v3 as the Solution to Metacrisis Horizontals

As outlined on the Metacrisis forums, the horizontals/generator functions include:

  • multipolar traps
  • coordination failure
  • plausible deniability
  • perverse incentives
  • rivalrous dynamics
  • information asymmetry
  • moral hazard
  • exponential growth and embedded growth obligations

Allow us to attempt to briefly address these points from the perspective of DAOhaus' ongoing experimentation with Moloch DAOs.

Multipolar Traps / Perverse Incentives

Coordination Failure / Rivalrous Dynamics

Plausible Deniability

  • DAOs are the key to unlocking a new era of effective digital democracy. Blockchain ensures the integrity and consistency of our governance. Migrating away from noisy cross talk in incoherent forums towards clear on-chain ratification will empower autonomous individual actions and clear collective momentum.

Information Asymmetry / Moral Hazards

Exponential Growth

Moloch v3 Project Scope for MetacrisisDAO


We think of DAOs as an ongoing open source experiment in collective sense making. To this end, they provide an excellent entry point for onboarding folx into the complexities and complications of coordinating in the web3 ecosystem (and beyond). When met with a variety of options for how to integrate web3 theories and tools into the metacrisis conversation, DAOs provide an important first step toward lucid and pragmatic on-chain digital democracy at the early phases of community formation. We propose a minimally viable DAO structure for the Metacrisis (would-be) DAO to instigate and accelerate the collective decision making abilities of the community.


  • Metacrisis "DAO" has no way of ratifying its core mission.
  • It is not clear who is and is not included within the metacrisis conversation, or how membership to this group is allocated.
  • There's no funding for compensating contributions from the community. Participation is voluntary and the community suffers from a lack of positive incentive for participation.
  • There is no clear way for the exclusive conversation happening amongst a few to interface with the wider, distributed decision making of the wider population of curious would-be participants.
  • There is no mechanism for tracking the history of contributions or incentivizing sustainable operations. Contributions remain ephemeral and ultimately invisible.


  • Ratifying vision and values with on-chain mechanics will strengthen community alignment.
  • Providing a token allocated membership will clarify actionable proposals from general community noise.
  • Forming a DAO around a treasury that emerges from member tribute, towards the allocation of collective capital and having "skin in the game", will encourage increased and sustained attention and participation.
  • DAO voting mechanics allow for accepting funding from the widest range of sources will inject diversity and ensure decentralized governance of community priorities.
  • Creating a clear correlation between the soft (off-chain) ideation emerging in the forums with the hard (on-chain) decision making ratified by the DAO will be essential to justifying the actionable steps the community hopes to take.
  • Implementing a mechanism for tracking contributions, rendering actions visible, accumulating reputation, allocating knowledge capital as a collective memory, and forming clear community identities will facilitate more effective sense making and variegated decision making.


  • Provide an on-chain constitution ratification mechanism.
  • Provide member shares and loot shares that differentiate voting rights from sentiment signaling rights within the community, clarifying who can make decisions and generally illustrating a process for how decisions are made.
  • Propose a framework for how member shares and loot shares might be allocated, based on participation, reputation, and other on-chain credentials.
  • Bootstrap the MetacrisisDAO community with a Yeeter campaign as a conjoined effort of crowd funding, community self-funding, and VC incubation.
  • Introduce signal/sentiment voting via a simple token curated registry implementation to invite the large community to steer the high level objectives of the project and allow the permissioned share-holding members to execute proposals that are rooted within pre-decided priorities.
  • Implement a minimally viable reputation system: a combination of Gitcoin Passport for sybil resistance, Govrn or Coordinape for contribution tracking, and Hats Protocol for role assignment and permissioned access. This will serve as a bridge between the soft and hard layers of the DAO.


  • Guide the community through foundational decisions for the DAO design, including any custom features they might need.
  • Onboard everyone from the MetacrisisDAO forum.
  • Deliver a custom Moloch v3 DAO to support this preliminary functionality, including:
    • User friendly onboarding flow.
    • A clear proposal process that unlocks action from the community
    • A safe/treasury configuration that allows for decentralized decision making on funding priorities.
  • Provide educational support to empower users to take advantage of the DAO functionality.

Build Phases

Phase 1: Discovery - 1 Month

  • Probe and explicate the specific frictions within the Metacrisis community that inhibit action.
  • Map user flows to optimize for decision making and maximizing transparency among community members.

Phase 2: Design - 1 Month

  • Propose strategies to the Metacrisis community to vote on, including:
    • Custom app development
    • Custom onboarding flows that accommodate for web3 noobs
    • Custom proposal types
    • Custom UI at an appropriate fidelity to minimize cerebral overload and maximize for transparency/visibility
  • Provide justification for these designs based on evidence sourced from phase 1.
  • Generate a prioritized backlog of tasks to execute the build.

Phase 3: Production - 2 Months

  • Execute the phase 2 backlog.
  • Agile and iterative UX/UI design and testing.

Phase 4: Onboarding & Education - 2 Months

  • Facilitate onboarding of community members, new and old.
  • UX testing to fine tune details.
  • QA and bug squishing.
  • Documentation of the entire architecture

Work Ethos

  • We believe in the importance of working in public. HackMD, Miro, Figma, Github, and other tools will be publicly accessible.
  • We intend the DAO build to become an open source public good DAO template for other communities to adapt to their own needs after we ship the finished product for the Metacrisis community.
  • We encourage community scrutiny, critique, audit, and feedback of our designs. This will be necessary for the success of the project.

Funding Goal

  • $60k
    • Discovery sprint
    • Community R&D
    • DAO design
    • DAO build
    • Features and integrations
    • UX, testing, iteration, documentation

MetacrisisDAO<>Moloch v3 Build History

  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 13 people contributed $404 to the project, and $649 of match funding was provided.

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