
$981.22 crowdfunded from 268 people

$3,055.39 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Creating an immersive Web3-based online game combining education, social networking, and freelancing to foster true understanding and constructive participation in decentralized systems.

We believe Ethereum, and more broadly, Web3, is allowing us to reimagine financial systems, organizations & economies. Unfortunately, this potential is held back by people's imagination & understanding of true potential. Most people joining Web3 are here trying to get rich quick, having no idea why this technology matters. We are here to change that.

MetaGame is a massive online coordination game in the making - a mash-up of an educational, social & freelancing platform and an MMO-RPG, using Web3 to build a new game of life & stick it to Moloch. We are DAOists & Regens; producing content organizing events & building a platform for people who want to work in Web3, build things & make an impact:

  • Teaching people about the true potential & good uses of Web3
  • Helping people join the space as builders rather than degens
  • Connecting builders to projects & projects to users

In its full form with Web3 ubiquitous, MetaGame is about helping people self-actualize, leverage latest technologies, find the others & make a positive impact. A fully fledged alternative socioeconomic system/network state, optimized for social & ecological impact rather than value extraction & profit maximization. So far, we did a load of things over 4 years for less than $300k.

MetaGame History

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