$1,281.57 crowdfunded from 10 people

$894.36 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Mirror is a coordination tool for communal living to address housing affordability, allowing residents to share spaces efficiently with minimal effort, seeking funding for expansion.

TL;DR: Mirror is a suite of coordination tools for communal living, which is currently being used successfully in a 9-person house. Funding will go towards marketing and legal costs for developing and distributing the tools to other communities.

Rising housing prices (Metacrisis) are creating a systemic push towards density. Many people would prefer to live communally, solving the density issue by sharing large common spaces. However, the inability to surmount social coordination challenges have instead pushed us towards the creation of increasingly smaller micro-units, a sub-optimal outcome both in terms of resource allocation and emotional experience.

Historically, living communally has required both high levels of ideological coordination and time investment, neither of which are scalable to “regular people”. Mirror provides tools for accomplishing the same coordination tasks, with a fraction of the effort. Thus, Mirror bring communal living solutions back into consideration as a valid and attractive response to rising housing costs, allowing for more optimal solutions to the housing crisis.

Mirror was developed by game designers, economists, and crypto-economic engineers, and has been successfully deployed to a 9-person house in Los Angeles. The current implementation runs on Web2 stack, with plans to provide a Web3 implementation on the horizon. The project will be open-sourced under AGPL-3, with subscriptions to a managed service being used to support long-term development. This is a similar approach that projects such as Loomio, Ghost, and Proton have taken in the past.

You can read the Whitepaper here: https://bit.ly/mirror-whitepaper

Team Members:

  • Daniel Kronovet, project lead. Research engineer who helped develop the BudgetBox algorithm as part of the Colony team, developed the initial mechanisms
  • Seth Frey, research advisor. PhD Cognitive Science under Elinor Ostrom, helped develop the economic mechanisms
  • Joseph DeSimone, research advisor. Game designer, helped develop the economic mechanisms

Mirror History

  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 10 people contributed $1,282 to the project, and $894 of match funding was provided.

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