
$5.03 crowdfunded from 0 people

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Web3 platform for artists to monetize music via NFTs, with DAOs for fan engagement and platform governance, underpinned by MusicMoon Coin ICO.

A web3 platform enabling artists to retain rights and earn royalties from their music through NFTs, while building a dedicated fan base using a DAO.

Pitich Deck:

White Paper:

MusicMoon is an extension of LiveLoop, known as "The Looping Software for Live Music Performance."

It's a web3 platform developed for artists and labels to maximize the value of their creative output. The

platform integrates blockchain technology for music creation, distribution, and community engagement. The core of MusicMoon includes Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), utilizing the most popular chains for minting. This feature allows artists to monetize their work while retaining ownership rights. MusicMoon also encompasses two Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). The first DAO, facilitates community engagement between artists, labels, and fans, ensuring easy access for those new to blockchain. The second DAO, focuses on platform governance. It enables stakeholders, including musicians, labels, and investors, to influence the direction and decisions of MusicMoon, fostering a democratic governance environment. Additionally, the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) for MusicMoon Coin forms the financial backbone of the ecosystem, supporting transactions, premium feature access, and community governance. This ICO is central to establishing a self-sustaining economy within the MusicMoon ecosystem. Here's a brief overview of its five key components:

LiveLoop Software ( This platform enables artists and labels to craft and perform

music. It's designed to be accessible to a broad user base, ranging from novices to experienced

professionals, and offers versatile features for music creation.

NFT Marketplace: This marketplace on MusicMoon facilitates the minting, selling, and trading of music

as NFTs on most popular chains. It provides artists and labels new opportunities for monetizing their music

and engaging with fans.

Community Engagement DAO: The DAO enhances artist- audience engagement. It features social

login options to simplify blockchain interaction for all users, especially those new to this space, fostering a

direct connection between artists, labels, and their fans.

Platform Governance DAO: This DAO, offers a governance model for platform stakeholders.

Musicians, labels, and investors can participate in decision- making processes, influencing the direction

and policies of MusicMoon.

MusicMoon ICO: The Initial Coin Offering for MusicMoon Coin is vital for establishing the platform's

economy. It supports internal transactions, access to premium features, and participation in

community governance, thus laying the financial foundation of MusicMoon's ecosystem.

MusicMoon is at the forefront of transforming the music industry by leveraging the capabilities of blockchain technology, NFTs, and community-driven collaboration.

Our gratitude extends to every musician, enthusiast, and contributor who has joined us on this transformative journey. Your enthusiasm and passion are the driving forces behind our dedication to creating a decentralized space for artists. Here, creativity flourishes without limits, and the community's voice resonates in every melody. Together, we are paving the way for a new music era, united by the collective vision and innovative spirit of MusicMoon.

Thank you for believing in the power of decentralized creativity. Let the music play on!

MusicMoon History

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