Nación Bankless

$374.08 crowdfunded from 131 people

$2,577.79 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
A subDAO of BanklessDAO providing Spanish content and tools on web3, DeFi, and public goods to empower Latin American communities while offering original content, ethical oversight, and financial education.

Gm our friends of Gitcoin Citizens. We are Nación Bankless a subDAO of BanklessDAO oriented to bring the tools, content and knowledge to the hispano speakers of the world.

With the start of our work in July 2021, we are currently living our first months with teenage pants, discovering, creating and undertaking many projects and discovering the reach of each of our arms and minds in unison.

We are a Latin American project with a strong belief in disruptive and conscious technology. We are in an adaptive and growing process, with multiple alliances and structure to offer a great line of decentralized, honest and governable projects. We are governed by the BanklessDAO constitution, Ethereum Ethos, Local ethics within our countries, with the intention to bring the knowledge, opportunities, values and enthusiasm of web3 to the next billion users.

We create, produce, enagage and market original content in Spanish which is specifically catered to solving the challenges faced by the Latin American audience


CryptoReuMD (Cryptoreumd.eth) MD, Rheumatologist, founder of Nación Bankless, champion of Nacion Bankless, actually coordinating the DAO, relations, evaluation, coaching and quality monitoring. I am very committed and dedicated, I seek to help everyone, no matter how difficult or far-fetched the desire may be. Co-Founder of Ethereum Mexico, Advocate of HumanDAO and TheGraph, Member of DeSci Latam, Bankless DeSci.

Monse_3M (Monse) MD, artris, specialized in health care, public goods, poberty solutions, and climate change enthusiast. She has 2 year experience within the ecosystem and actually working in the coordination of relations and ethics whithin de DAO.

Sohobiit (Sohobiit) is an Artist, 3D Game Designer, with more than 9 years of experience as Art Director & Social Media Manager, NFT artist and creator of several personal projects since 2020 into the Web3 ecosystem, also moderator, designer and publisher in Nación Bankless Instagram, YouTube and Twitter accounts. Co-fonduer of Happ3n, Committed, revolutionary and proactive

Brenkiria (Brenkiria) Editor in chief of the Nación Bankless News, graphic designer, coordinator of the Spanish news section of the Latin American universe, professional trader, content creator at locura trader, currently leading the public goods and financial education section. Original, innovative and disruptive ideas

Karen (Karen84.crypto) Karen is the leader of the tokenology project, currently evaluating the financial health of the SubDAO, with deep knowledge about global and local economy, cryptonomics, she also has personal finance courses, specialist in legal aspects thanks to her profession. Speaker in IRL events of Espacio Cripto, Bankless, Cryptoverisdad, NounsAmigosDAO, Talent Land.Responsible, honest and conscientious

Fabian (fabiancripto) Our lead translator, editor, creative newsletter, GM:NB section, the daily local, global and creative news content newsletter, creator of Encriptados , active member of the DeFi communities, plus a strong background in Decentralization and Scalability. He is a member with extensive experience in NFT, blockchain experimentation and birth projects. Responsible, caring and always available to help.

Project TL:DR

Since the beginning of BanklessDAO we have been committed to provide timely and accurate information to all communities, when we created Nacion Bankless, the commitment was more robust and energetic. We seek to meet the expectations of our readers in Latin America, create the most unforgettable events in real life, provide with public goods in our countries and local communities. 

With our efforts, we are looking to provide our community with the truthful news and direct on the palate to be delighted with high quality lectures, audio and video production of excellent frequency and intensity, in addition to providing the appropriate financial tools to accompany them on the road to decentralization. In this path we found many barriers, language, user experience, fear, abstraction of technology so far not viable, given the impossibility of some of us to generate code or understand contracts, risk and harmful projects. For this reason we have taken it upon ourselves to help people understand DeFi, ReFi, Public Goods, onChain Gaming, DAO and the importance of voting power and the fungibility and price of a digital asset.

We have a lot of energy and value, with this and more, from our Latin countries, we understand the importance of the economy and the opportunities that web3 gives, declaring from our trench a voice and a Latin vote that needs to be heard, regardless of race, sex or color of flag.


Today we have the following, which we would be happy for you to continue to support us:

1.- Nación Bankless Substack Newsletter: It has four strands: a.- Nación Bankless, newsletter of translations of BanklessHQ, Metaversal, Bankless Publishing (Merged with BanklessDAO), Decentralized Arts, Weekly RollUps. b.- Diario Nación Bankless, ecosystem news, fast and of high quality and relevance to Latin America. c.-. GM;NB, three times a week summary of all publications, news, videos, podcasts and relevant threads. d.- Locura Bankless, our most recent newsletter currently aimed at people about financial education and how not to lose their money in crypto, with risk management and evaluation of trends and indicators. Our actual viewership is near 12.3 K views per month, it’s amazing how we are growing, thanks to you and Latam.

2.- Nación Bankless AV, we have a youtube channel, currently with 1000 monthly visits, high quality content, audio and video of the same definition and standards, with the builders of the ecosystem, a space to talk and learn about everything. With news sections, interviews and projects.

3.- CoordiNación Bankless: Committee within the Bankless Nation aimed at the evaluation of emerging projects, economic direction of the DAO and voting and categorization systems. Members who will be responsible for the evaluation and oversight of ethics and governance in accordance with the bankless constitution.

4.- Comunidad Nación Bankless: Currently with 135 people on Telegram chatting every day, 14 participants on Discord, coordinated by tools such as SAFE, DeWork, Notion, Sobol, tools that allow us to achieve the highest possible number of decentralized and traceable iteration, with 2024 followers on “X” and 484 on Instagram.

5.- Proyectos Nación Bankless: Bankless Legal: Today, we have made two calls totally focused on legal and jurisprudence aspects in Latin America, in Spanish and with experts. El Club de la Pelea: this is in construction, with every penny that we had, we are going to save it, and try to help and fund projects, in rounds with Gitcoin in the near future. Public goods: We have launched proposals in Arbitrum to provide homeless people in Merida with shoes, food and transportation in nearby hospitals. In the near future, part of the funds raised will go towards cleaning beaches, onboarding new members to achieve the Bankless ethos: Work and a living wage, coupled with a universal minimum income. DeSci: Decentralized data it’s the new black, in medicina, statistics and other hard disciplines data availability it’s very difficult to achieve. Our goal is to provide decentralized tools to provide knowledge as a public good. My specialty in Rheumatology has taken me very far, but every day I realize the control that exists in the market by pharmaceutical companies and the thousands of obstacles of medical journals, so along with Nación Bankless, we will continue to look for ways to support regeneration projects and creation of tools to decentralize publications and medical media.


We also made some friends and work with Gitcoin:

A little about us

The growth in Newsletter, we started in march 2021, translating an average of 8 newsletter form the Bankless ecosystem, in december 2022, we started to raise the number to 22-25 newsletter every month, but now we are delivering 60-70 newsletters every month. Maybe we got some luck, because now we are having more views than ever, exceeding the 10 K threshold, now with the intention to give more to the people that believe in us and our mission.


YouTube Channel:

Nacion Bankless: In this context our host, Sohobiit, or everyone within the subDAO, interviews the builders, the project creators, or community members that are aligned with our ethos and need a voice to be heard, actually delivering at least one video per week.

Boletín Semanal: Here, we deliver the thriving news that are important to be heard, it’s part of the BanklessHQ news, and also the news about BanklessDAO and our own news, mints and original content.

Community Calls and Updates: We created this playlist that it’s related to just the DAO, the community calls, the DAO snapshot that need to be revisited, evaluated and updated, also we give this space to our community to participate.



With the compromise of creating more visual content we decided to just update the best quality audio to the YouTube Channel, so we are looking to delist the podcast in Spotify since we already saw that our community it’s more dedicated to the YouTube Channel.

The evolving nature of our YouTube it’s incredible, we compare our previous evolution since the creation of the YouTube Channel and we got in our last 90 days, an evolution of 400% in the visits and creation of videos. This is part of the compromise that we committed to deliver to our members and subscribers. Resources that are directed to the BanklessDAO values and alignment.


Twitter: The actual standard that we have in twitter its to reduce the number of retweets that we have and create more original content, threads and more communication in twitter spaces, with this we’ve got 2063 followers, with an average of four twitter spaces per month.

Telegram: We onboarded 134 members to our telegram group, and now we have a daily natural chatting and spreading news and community, it’s very cool and interesting how bDAO has a different approach to the people and how they are interested.

The twitter account got more than 110K impressions in the last 90 days, and 74K in the last 28 days; now being a reference account that talks about public goods, decentralization, risk control and evaluation of the protocols that are new and rising.

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PROJECT CHANNELS Project Notion Page: Pitch Deck: Roadmap: Website: Socials: DeWork:

-Go Bankless

Nación Bankless History

  • accepted into Meta Pool LatAm GG18 10 months ago. 63 people contributed $129 to the project, and $2,110 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 68 people contributed $245 to the project, and $468 of match funding was provided.

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