Natives in Tech

$313.33 crowdfunded from 73 people

$888.63 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Fostering an ecosystem for Native technologists to develop open-source technology and educate on Web3, with projects including AI code camps, a job board, a conference, and preserving Indigenous languages.

Our Mission

To cultivate a tech ecosystem of Native technologists crafting free and open source technology for Native communities

Who We Are

A community of Native/Indigenous peoples and allies working to build open source projects, educate Native technologists, and onboard Natives into Web3

What We Are Working on in 2023

  • Lakota AI Code Camp
  • 2023 Conference
  • Native Job Board
  • Organizing members around Regeneration projects
  • Governance models, signaling, and voting on proposals
  • Crypto education
  • Web3 stack education for Web2 developers

Future Projects

  • Upgrade our open source project, "Native-owned Businesses" to use decentralized storage
  • Use decentralized storage to preserve Indigenous languages
  • Fund open source Web3 projects built by Native technologists to support:
    • Regenerative agroforestry
    • Media + education (e.g. participatory media, nature documentaries, knowledge content, created and distributed by local communities)
    • Local natural research and biolearning
    • Cost-savings on infrastructure like solar panels
    • Land back
    • Tribal Currencies

Update Apr 17 2023

We continue to onboard Indigenous technologists into our Slack community. For our conference, there was a talk on "Ethics, Education, and Ethereum - What Indian Country needs to know about Crypto". We've also been discussing decentralized data protocols as it relates to the preservation of the language and culture of Indigenous peoples.

Natives in Tech History

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