Neurodiversity Foundation: Donate to our Projects

$97.00 crowdfunded from 4 people

$51.35 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
The Neurodiversity Foundation develops tools, campaigns, and research to promote equality and understanding between neurodivergent and neurotypical individuals, fostering a neuroinclusive society.

Neurodiversity Foundation: Bridging the Gap Between Neurodivergent & Neurotypical in order to create a neuroinclusive society that embraces all types of minds.

The Foundation has the goal; To create a society that works for all individuals regardless of their braintypes, we develop in projects, the tools, community, campaigns, researches and products, to enhance societal equality, social connections and cooperation between neurodivergent and neurotypical individuals, thereby supporting to move forward towards a neurodiverse society.


The Neurodiversity Foundation will reach their goals by:

  • Research activities, production, innovation and distribution of projects that facilitate equality, self-management and effective joining for neurodivergents in the classroom, on the working space, in friendships, in groups in relationships and as individuals in society.
  • Campaigns of information that foster mutual understanding, curiosity and acceptable between neurodivergent and neurotypical individuals.
  • Developing knowledge and tools for effective communication that take into consideration how communication and cooperation is enacted by neurodiverse individuals.

Our 4 mains aims are:

Innovation & Research: ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Assistive Technology for neurodiverse communication: In the ATHENS initiative, its partners are creating the tools to facilitate communication by and cooperation in (neuro)diverse families with a messenger that supports personals sign language, basic gestures, basic signs for online and offline communication: “Signs”, in order to bridge the communicationgaps between neurotypes.

PRIDE & AWARENESS Awareness & Pride, for all neurodivergents: Neurodiversity information and support campaigns. Via video series, social media campaigns, serious games, workshops, and through politics (supporting neurodiverse friendly politicians with a Neuroinclusive Politician Award, and direct proposals). We show our pride, by organizing the Neurodiversity Pride Day- run, each year in June.

EDUCATION & INNOVATION Education about the value of (neuro)diversity: My Amazing Brain – magazine, distribution and campaign to support neurodiverse friendly classrooms. Also, we created the Neurodiversity Education Academy with free courses, supported by apps. As well as webinars on the topic. Neurodiversity also maintains the Brainy App, which was build by our researchpartner 2Tango.

MAINSTREAMING THE CONCEPT OF NEURODIVERSITY Societal Shift: An additional long-term but more local focus since our early days, starting preparations in 2016, has been to introduce the concept of Neurodiversity in the Netherlands and make it a more well-known and used word that has direct and indirect positive impact on behaviours and attitude between Neurodivergents and Neurotypicals.

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Neurodiversity Foundation: Donate to our Projects History

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