A Next.js + Ethereum starter kit with Viem, Wagmi, Web3Modal, SIWE, Tailwind, daisyUI and more to quickly ship production-ready Web3 Apps ⚡
Nexth helps developers to hit the ground running without having to worry about setup, outdated packages, versions or dependencies. The starter kit is kept clean, and contains everything you need to get started. Just fork the repo and quickly ship production-ready onchain apps.
Nexth uses a monorepo structure with 3 packages of which 2 are typically required. All packages are regularly upgraded to the latest versions.
- App - Next.js 14 App router, incl. TypeScript, Tailwind, eslint, prettier, daisyUI and other industry standards and best practices. It also features Viem, Wagmi, Web3Modal and SIWE for out-of-the-box Ethereum integration.
For Smart contract development developers can choose one of the following packages depending on their preference.
- Hardhat - a flexible, fast development environment in TypeScript, using the latest Ignition deployment experience.
- Foundry - a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
There are several examples included for demo purposes to help developers bootstrap development.
Nexth - A Next.js + Ethereum starter kit History
accepted into GG22 OSS - Developer Tooling and Libraries 5 months ago.
accepted into GG21: Thriving Arbitrum Summer 7 months ago.
accepted into Developer Tooling and Libraries 10 months ago.