$30.06 crowdfunded from 15 people
$266.52 received from matching pools
My name is M00npapi, I’m an active buidlguild member and I’m from Miami FL
I love to build in public, and a fun fact about me is that I drank 7 gitcoin “Green Pills” at the scaffold meetup at ETHdenver last year.
Some of my projects include:
Creating a challenge for the curriculum at https://speedrunethereum.com (challenge 4 build a dex, s/o to the homie Steve!)
Testing/deploying SporkDAO/ETHdenvers staking app for 2024: https://test.sporkdao.io/
Demonstrating how to bring gitcoin passports on chain by combining a signature with a time stamp + score from the passport api and then showing how to retrieve it to gate things like fees on a contract:
Anyways I love to build and anything that can help me continue is definitely welcome!
Open source builder History
accepted into buidlguidl 11 months ago. 15 people contributed $30 to the project, and $267 of match funding was provided.