
$199.29 crowdfunded from 109 people

$805.08 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Global co-op supporting pizzerias through buyouts, software development, and global pizza parties, with chapters in 100+ cities and $800,000 in giveaways across 75 countries.

PizzaDAO is a global pizza co-op, a pizza party planner, and a pizza faucet for web3 builders. We plan to help pizzeria owners to buy out their landlords and build open source software for the entire small business stack. So far, we have chapters in over 100 cities and have thrown three global pizza parties, giving away a total of over $800,000 worth of pizza in more than 75 countries. If you want to be a part of our community or learn more, please join our discord at the link on You can also support us by minting our NFT at!

PizzaDAO History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 8 months ago. 109 people contributed $199 to the project, and $805 of match funding was provided.

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