
$264.27 crowdfunded from 12 people

$813.83 received from matching pools

A decentralized community creating a Virtual Herbarium of scientifically accurate 3D plant models as NFTs, enabling global access, supporting research and conservation with community-driven funding.

What is PlantGang?

PlantGang is a decentralised community of researchers, enthusiasts and citizen scientists dedicated to protecting and immortalising nature through 3D scanned scientific NFT specimen collections.

We’re using cutting edge 3D modelling technologies to build the first Virtual Herbarium, a scientifically accurate collection of immersive 3D models of real-world scanned plant specimens, led by a decentralised community of researchers and citizen scientists.

Plantgang’s virtual herbarium platform will provide the botanical support and technical 3D processing capabilities for our community, using basic tech such as a smartphone, to collect scientific data and scan real-world plant specimens.

After simply uploading a short video of their chosen plant specimen to the Virtual Herbarium, PlantGang will use 3D modelling technologies (NeRF and Photogrammetry) to generate photoreal 3D model specimens.

Our new research economy is underpinned by allowing citizen scientists scanners to sell their uploaded 3D specimens as open collectible NFTs. Funds from NFT collectible sales are transferred transparently on chain to both scanners and community selected research projects, helping to create a virtuous cycle where our scientific collections support and incentivize the community making these valuable captures.

This aims to create a new era for open academic research not limited by social, economical or geographic backgrounds while supporting local researchers and environmental habitats through regenerative economics powered by 3D-model NFT sales.

Crucially, whilst this directly supports local researchers, we’re also protecting the planet and ensuring we’re recording nature in our fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.

Why capture nature with scientific 3D plant specimens?

Currently, scientific plant specimens are 2D pressings stored physically in herbariums, restricting access to specimens for both scientists and general enthusiasts outside of that location. And whilst the digitalisation of these scientific collections is underway globally, they still ultimately remain in their 2D form.

Conversely, PlantGang’s community driven 3D scans improve upon traditional physical 2D dead plant specimens with additional details of morphology and colouration (check out here: ), capturing the plant as it would be in its natural environment. Additionally, since each specimen is collected with associated scientific metadata from its geolocation and collection date to phenology and associated species, all importantly stored on chain, giving each specimen an immutable scientific context grounding them in reality for use in research and education.

The Future We Envision

We hope to support a vision for a world where people can view and explore rare and inspiring digital specimens from across the globe, collected and uploaded by academic researchers, 3D-modellers and citizen scientists, whilst helping preserve IRL ecosystems and species through community funded research and conservation.

In these environmentally challenging times, we face a pivotal moment. Our rich living ecosystems are threatened and suffering; we must find ways to proactively reduce climate change and live harmoniously with nature, documenting the world around us and utilising the digital to preserve the physical in an safe, environmentally-friendly and untamperable format.

This effort is underpinned by the world-wide activation of citizen scientists and established researchers alike, brought together by a shared aim to support scientific research, education and conservation.

Our Impact

We break barriers: -In specimen collection, powering a 2D → 3D digital revolution -In scientific engagement, driving science at all levels, available for all, from citizens to academics -We remove location and economic obstacles to education

We Immortalise: -Decentralized preservation and future proofing of natural specimens and scientific data on chain -Recording ‘moments in time’ in nature in vivid detail, allowing people to connect with this fleeting moment even after it has been and gone.

We Empower: -Create a tradition of hyper-local conservation & research funding, giving power back to communities who understand their local environments and want to protect and live harmoniously with them -Community driven NFT creation and sales provide a self-funding mechanism that bypasses the need for institutional intermediaries, offering collectors ownership of real-world assets on chain whilst driving positive impact.

The Users

The PlantGang community consists of…

Scanners - This community drives the scanning of plant specimens across the globe, whilst also collecting important associated scientific data for each specimen. Together these individuals immortalise nature’s essence for all to see.

Scientists - They use these scientific models for education and research purposes from lectures to research papers, analyzing and educating around the rarely seen morphologies, colours and moments in time captured within our specimens.

Collectors - Fascinated by the worlds biodiversity and its preservation, our collectors purchase the scanners ‘open collectibles’ to own real pieces of nature on chain, learning about each specimen and supporting research and conservation IRL.

Enthusiasts - These nature lovers come to experience the immersive captures and witness nature at a global scale.

Plans For Funding

Previous grant funding has allowed us to... -Carry out a POC project pilot to test this novel idea (funded by Polygon Studios). This took place at the La Selva flagship Research Station in Costa Rica. This station is one of the world’s leading institutions in the study of tropical biology and has been involved in 6400+ scientific publications. -Begin building our Virtual Herbarium Platform (funded by the Filecoin Foundation) where users can view, upload and collect 3D model plant specimens. -Ran a competition which successful activated citizen scientists to go out scanning in nature -Funded by the metaverse Metropolis World to run an educational online treasure hunt to teach their community about botanical 3D scanning.

Now we’re raising funds to catalyze the 3D capture of biodiversity globally by supporting... -Bounties for rare biodiversity capture. These are small incentive bounties given to scanners to engage in the capture of rare and precious plant specimens across the world. This can help fund a decentralised network of local researchers and citizen scientists towards scanning precious specimens, empowering local communities who understand their natural environments and want to protect and live harmoniously with them. -Funding competitions with prizes to drive talent towards scanning vitally important pieces of nature and supporting the immortalization of these rare assets. With all uploaded models being available to view at the PG Virtual Herbarium site, this will make rare parts of nature accessible to all. -Allowing PlantGang to afford the backend processing power to provide our community with access to cutting edge AI-driven video to 3D model technology, that allows any individual to contribute to 3D biodiversity capture with a simple specimen video upload. -Supporting the operational costs of the team to allow them to continue to raise awareness of the project, grow the community and provide educational resources teaching users how to scan and record basic botanical data via the platform.

Meet The Team

Project Lead - Harry aka PlantBoi Biochemistry graduate, plant obsessor and adventurer, interested in the advancement of DeSci and Refi through NFTs and blockchain infrastructure. Research lead on PlantGang's Expedition #1, Co-steward at DreamDAO, Ethereum Foundation Scholar 22

Developer (Backend) - Matthew Watman Full-stack developer with experience in the non-profit sector, now focusing on ReFi and public goods app development in the Ethereum ecosystem. Work includes projects for Solidity Guild, Ambire Wallet DAO and Cabin DAO.

Product Partner (Frontend development) - Matt Bachle CEO of Grade, a serial founder and product manager with delivery of successful digital work for clients like Audi, Qantas, Foxtel, Nestle, PayPal, LG, PlayStation UK, Toyota, Virgin Mobile, and Unilever.

Project Operations - Tim aka regenfriend Founding member and Governance WG Coordinator at DreamDAO and game design advisor @readtoleadgames. Tim is a young innovator in web3 helping with Ops & strategy within many web3 communities.

Creative Director & Branding Lead - Domingo Beta Creative Director at JUMP, co-founder of Veleta Studiolab, art direction at RADAR. Guiding brands that want to expand their visual universe into new realms since 2011.

Since our foundation we’ve had many skilled advisors involved with the project, with core roles in projects including RADAR, Protein and the BBC:

Community - FANCY 3D modelling - Steve Flanagan

PlantGang History

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