Plum - Inclusive Web3 Security

$348.70 crowdfunded from 41 people

$238.75 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Plum, a security expert, aims to protect the Web3 community by offering understandable security advice and consultations, with a focus on non-native English speakers vulnerable to scams.


Plum, an experienced security professional, has a noble goal: to make the Web3 ecosystem safe for everyone and ensure that access to safety and security information is as painless as possible.

In a world where people are being scammed every day, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars, Plum aims to provide security consultation and support to both individuals and projects, making them safer and reducing stress for all involved - regardless of how much or little they may know previously. There are no dumb questions!


Plum wants to make sure that whatever security information we're teaching people, that it can be understood by folks who don't necessarily get the lingo or know where to turn to get unbiased advice. It's something many people overlook, and as a result some of the most vulnerable members of the community are taken advantage of.

Over the last two & a half years, but also more recently during her time working at OpenSea, she has found that a large number of requests for assistance and support come from members of our community who don't natively speak English. This makes it much more difficult for them to understand that they might be talking to a scammer.

While there is a large amount of information available, and some is translated into various languages, it is still somewhat difficult for newcomers to the space to know where to turn - or that there is even any danger in the first place. This difficulty is compounded for non-native English speakers and they frequently are the unfortunate victims of scams. This usually is simply because they do not recognize the small telltale signs most of us might see in posts or messages written in English, as they are having to rely on translations or their own limited vocabulary.

Plum has therefore been making efforts to simplify security-related information so that people are more able to access and understand the advice and support she provides, regardless of nationality or financial means. This includes not just relying on linguistic cues to decide if something is a scam, and trying to highlight other methods that one might determine they're being targeted.


The impact of Plum's work cannot be overstated. By providing security audits, consultations and support to individuals and projects in the Web3 space, she will help safeguard their assets from malicious actors. This will not only prevent financial losses but also instill confidence in users who may have been hesitant to participate due to security concerns or anxiety at being misunderstood due to language or societal barriers.

With Plum's assistance, more people will feel empowered to explore the potential of Web3 without fear of falling victim to scams or hacks. They will not feel that their possibly limited grasp of social concepts or language skills are endangering them, and can then bring this knowledge back to their own communities to further the spread of knowledge.


Plum frequently assists people who find their way to her via friends, from seeing her posts or hearing about her efforts through their communities. Often, she helps those who cannot afford to pay for assistance elsewhere, or who don't know where to even begin to start to find advice - and frequently have attempted to speak to others about the help they need but may have run into frustration due to language barriers.


This proposal was partially generated by AI with the help of friends of Plum to enable her to submit this proposal more easily while she is dealing with a health issue. Thanks to Deepah for the nifty AI tool!

Plum - Inclusive Web3 Security History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 41 people contributed $349 to the project, and $239 of match funding was provided.

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