average score over 7 application evaluations
Developer-centric RPC gateway leveraging POKT network to streamline blockchain app development by simplifying RPC endpoint management.


Introduction to PORTERS

PORTERS is a developer-centric RPC gateway that offers fast and easy access to blockchain functionalities. PORTERS simplifies the creation and management of RPC endpoints for blockchain applications, allowing developers to focus on innovation without the hassle of backend complexities. PORTERS leverages the POKT Network's extensive node infrastructure, consisting of thousands of nodes globally, to provide its RPC services.


PORTERS aims to lower the barrier to entry for blockchain development by providing a user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation. This approach enables even those with minimal blockchain experience to implement complex functionalities.

By exposing a decentralised RPC service layer for providing seamless access, PORTERS enhances privacy, reduces single points of failure, and provides a more resilient infrastructure for blockchain applications.

We are the exception by offering Web3-native payments, enabling users to swap their crypto directly to pay for RPC relays without the need to use a credit card.

Here are a few screenshots to give you a glimpse of our interface. temp-Image-NAHXJY.avif

Swap from your favourite token! temp-Imagek4bt-F1.avif

Choose from more than 40+ supported chains temp-Image-J1zc6f.avif

Start using PORTERS now and make the little data graph smile :) temp-Imagew9l-Yz-Q.avif

Progress Since Gitcoin Grant Round 20

Since the last Gitcoin Round, the PORTERS platform was officially launched in early June 2024.

We have been actively acquiring new users, including public goods projects, and forming partnerships.

On the technical side, we have been working on several features, including:

  1. Integration with additional blockchain networks.
    • Together with our partners at Taiko we are now one of very few providers of a free public endpoint that is not rate limited. In the future, we would like to explore how this could benefit other ecosystems as well.
  2. Development of a decentralised data API.

Additionally, we are currently onboarding several projects that are going to use our RPC services and improve the user experience based on the feedback received during the onboarding process.

Current Team Members

  • Sasquatch – Partnerships & Community Management
  • benedictvs – Business & Development
  • Matthew – Full Stack Developer
  • vicos – Design & Marketing

Past Contributors

We want to acknowledge and appreciate the invaluable people who contributed to PORTERS' development up until and shortly after its launch:

  • sayonara – Frontend Developer
  • plor – Backend Developer

And a special appreciation for RaidGuild which brought the Team together.

Additional Information

For more information, check out the recording of the talk that PORTERS' representative held during ETH Belgrade in early June 2024.

Porters History

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