$1,474.52 crowdfunded from 1070 people

$1,367.05 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Aleo-powered PrivX DEX enables anonymous, secure crypto trading, prioritizes privacy, boosts liquidity, and aims to lead in private blockchain transactions.

PrivX is the first Aleo-powered DEX that paves the way for a more secure and private crypto future. By leveraging Aleo's privacy features, PrivX ensures anonymous and secure crypto trading, eliminating the concern for centralization. It enhances liquidity, and attracts privacy-conscious users, positioning Aleo as a leading blockchain platform for private and secured trading.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrivExchange Doc: https://docs.privx.exchange/

PrivX History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 1070 people contributed $1,475 to the project, and $1,367 of match funding was provided.

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