Public Nouns Operations

$81.11 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Public Nouns is a project using Nouns DAO-inspired mechanisms to fund and support public goods through a treasury that's separate from operational expenses.

TLDR: Public Nouns is funding experiments in the Public Goods space and creating value.

Public Nouns ( exists to promote, fund, and proliferate aligned projects that focus on serving our public.

Inspired greatly by Nouns DAO and the mechanisms it’s pushed forward, Public Nouns is a project that leverages these awesome mechanisms to help fund Public Goods and experimentation thereof.

Borrowing from the Charity:Water model, Public Nouns has a goal to fund any operational expenses separate from the funds that go into the Public Nouns DAO treasury.

By supporting Public Nouns Operations, you help allow 100% of funds that go into the Public Nouns DAO treasury via sales of Public Nouns to be used towards Public Goods and experimentation thereof.

Public Nouns launched at the end of September 2022, and has raised over 200 ETH in donations for Public Nouns.

Public Nouns Operations History

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