Quadratic Trust - Anne Connelly

$1,351.48 crowdfunded from 1009 people

$327.04 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Developed and piloted "Quadratic Trust," a method incorporating non-financial support into quadratic funding, with 5,000+ votes in the pilot and presented at EthDenver and universities.

Hello folks!

I have been involved with the Gitcoin community from the early days (grant round 3 I think), and am now a steward.

In 2021, I conceived and led the development of Quadratic Trust, a mechanism to use non-financial support metrics in quadratic funding systems.

We ran a pilot that was adjacent to a grants round and had over 5,000 votes cast. I presented the model at EthDenver.




I have presented about Gitcoin's work at Singularity University, Boston University, and Oxford University.

Quadratic Trust - Anne Connelly History

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