
$60.04 crowdfunded from 8 people

$61.18 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Re-Public: Empowering individuals with control over their data through a private cloud environment, fostering a decentralized network for collective decision-making, funded by crowdfunding and grants.

You want to do things with your data beyond what tech companies have in mind for you

Every person on the planet generates valuable data to humanity. The problem is the average person has no way to collect it for themselves, let alone consent to sharing it.

With Re-Public, a person’s data becomes a digital prosthetic, allowing them to have agency in the world well beyond what is possible today. By deciding where their data goes or doesn’t go, they get to shape the world in profound and immediate ways. Instead of waiting for low leverage actions like voting, people will have a direct line to making real change in the world simply by pushing a few buttons in a simple piece of software.

Re-Public’s vision is this: Every person who now has a smartphone or any connected device should have a direct and unmediated relationship with their data. This currently takes the form of a completely private cloud computing environment. These clouds can then opt-in to coordinate with each other in a decentralized network to execute aggregate functions. This coordination is mediated through automated value exchange so that no centralized entity is needed or relied upon.

We believe the means by which Re-Public is funded is foundational to its ability to reach its goals. Building public data infrastructure that is trusted and credibly neutral cannot be funded by investors expecting to own or capture a portion of the final result.

We're relying on crowdfunding and grants to pay for the project's sole developer and also provide resources to expand partnerships and grow the developer community.

What We've Built So Far

For more background on the project, please visit our previous Gitcoin application:

Re-Public History

  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 8 people contributed $60 to the project, and $61 of match funding was provided.

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