Rebuilding Turkiye

$110.78 crowdfunded from 17 people

$3,371.16 received from matching pools

Aiding earthquake recovery in Turkiye through sustainable building with hempcrete, promoting hemp-based health remedies, and using DAOs for efficient, transparent regenerative development.

What is our current focus?

We are calling for collaborative support and donations to aid our efforts in creating sustainable and resilient communities in the aftermath of the recent catastrophic earthquakes that struck Turkiye. These earthquakes have caused widespread destruction across 11 cities, impacting 23 million people, and leaving over 202,000 buildings severely damaged or in need of immediate demolition.

Our goal is to leverage our expertise and network to provide regenerative development solutions that can aid affected communities in their recovery efforts while also building resilience for the long term. With your support, we can implement these solutions, which can be replicated in other regions facing similar challenges, and make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by this devastating disaster.

Together, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for people and communities facing similar challenges around the world. We urge you to join us in this critical effort and make a meaningful contribution to our cause.

Solutions we currently work on :

  1. Hempcrete : The continued use of non-sustainable materials contributes to the degradation of our ecosystems and exacerbates the effects of climate change. However, hempcrete presents a promising alternative, as it is a sustainable and environmentally friendly building material that utilizes renewable resources. Moreover, the use of hempcrete has the potential to enhance the resilience of structures, especially in areas prone to seismic activity. The flexibility of the material enables it to absorb and dissipate the energy generated by seismic waves, reducing the risk of damage to the building. Additionally, hempcrete's thermal insulation properties can help to maintain a stable temperature inside the structure, thus reducing the need for energy-intensive heating or cooling systems. While we may not be able to address everyone's housing needs using hempcrete, we can create a model for earthquake-resistant housing that is both resilient and regenerative. image_2023-04-22_01-46-34

  2. Hemp-based remedies : By incorporating hemp-based health and wellness solutions into disaster relief efforts, we can help address some of the physical and mental health challenges and improve the overall health and wellbeing of affected communities. photo_2023-04-21_17-43-51

  3. DAO Operator Program : We want everyone to be able to open a computer, find a DAO, start building, and get paid. We want to enable visionaries to unlock their real creative freedoms with the power of Web3. In this context, EarthistDAO is collaborating with BanklessDAO Turkish and launching the "DAO Operator Program". The program aims to encourage participants to join the DAOs in our network, take on defined regeneration related tasks, and receive token payments from both the DAO and the program.


Who are we

We are a community of ecologically-minded individuals, including stewards, activists, scientists, artists, and artisans. We believe that seed sovereignty is crucial for food security, biodiversity conservation, and freedom.

Our focus is on the non-psychoactive variety of the cannabis plant, hemp, which boasts unique properties that enhance soil quality, reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and absorb more CO2 per hectare than any forest or commercial crop. Moreover, the versatile materials that can be produced from hemp offer a sustainable alternative to traditional materials that can harm the environment.

We provide small and family farmers with essential data, resources, and community support to encourage them to adopt regenerative practices. By creating micro-processing centers across the country, we can add value to their raw materials while simultaneously regenerating. Our ultimate goal is to create a regenerative economy using carbon-sequestering hemp-based methods that yield sustainable goods which are scalable worldwide. To achieve this, we require funding for the development and production of innovative hemp-based products, including food, cosmetics, building materials, textiles, plastics, and insulation materials.

Through collaborative efforts, we can harness the unique properties of this ancient plant to create a more sustainable and resilient future for ourselves and future generations.

Hemp Infographic 21 04 2023

Previous accomplishments Since Gitcoin GR13 in April 2022:

  • We have gifted 80% of our seeds for free. That was more than 6 million seeds planted in 5 different cities for both new and old hemp farmers
  • Established a physical hub, a place for the seeds both figuratively and literally. We have hosted events and workshops to accelerate progress towards regenerative development solutions.
  • Supported victims with hemp based remedies
  • Collaborating with RegenForge: Open source machinery for production and processing.
  • Collaborating with Digital.Gaia: Augmented collective intelligence for our seeds and regeneration
  • Collaborating with Verdant Wave: To reduce our reliance on non-biodegradable materials
  • Collaborating with AtlantisDAO to coordinate and create credible impact for people working on the disaster zones using Atlantis Citizen App
  • Onboarded 17 new community members
  • New seed banks in 2 cities

Join us in protecting ecological balance and regenerating our planet through the power of hemp.

hempseeds iris

Regenerative development for disaster relief

Despite the recent disastrous event that has forced us to postpone our current business plans and programs, we are committed to finding ways to use our expertise to serve the most vulnerable communities in need. We are exploring collaborative approaches with other organizations and considering the use of DAO operating programs to facilitate more efficient and transparent disaster relief and regenerative development.

We believe that the natural world offers immense potential for creating sustainable solutions to today's challenges, and technology can play a vital role in amplifying and accelerating these solutions. Through collaboration with technology developers, we can leverage cutting-edge tools and strategies to address complex environmental problems and work towards a more regenerative future.

One example of our collaborative approach is the use of hempcrete for earthquake-resistant housing. Hempcrete is a natural building material made from hemp hurd, fibers, and lime that can provide both strength and flexibility. We also plan to donate a certain percentage of the houses we build to the gift economy.

In addition to hempcrete, we are exploring the use of hemp-based remedies to address the physical and mental health challenges faced by earthquake victims. Hemp has been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic benefits, including reducing inflammation, pain, and anxiety. By incorporating these remedies into disaster relief efforts, we can help improve the overall health and wellbeing of affected communities.

IMG_7082 (1) hemp stem sinop

Together, we can build a more sustainable and resilient future for all.

regen bot

Rebuilding Turkiye History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 17 people contributed $111 to the project, and $3,371 of match funding was provided.

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