ReFi San José — a ReFi Lab from Costa Rica to the world

$334.60 crowdfunded from 11 people

$172.10 received from matching pools

Launch a collaborative movement in San José, Costa Rica, to establish a ReFi Lab for regeneration, climate resilience, and co-designed ReFi projects, with educational events and a learning path.

Welcome to ReFi San José! Join us in the adventure of reconnecting all the people regenerating our country, with our capital city San José at the center of a collaborative movement to transform Costa Rica into a ReFi Lab for the World.

For our initial Gitcoin Round we need your support to launch Verano ReFi Costa Rica 2023: Regenerating our Optimism an inspiring collection of ReFi events to share what is possible and what is already happening in ReFi in Costa Rica; also kickstarting ReFi San Jose website with our own ReFi San José Learning Path, a self paced introduction to ReFi in Spanish, our first contribution to the commons and to the ReFiDAO international community.

For our initial Gitcoin Campaign we have a goal to raise $50k to implement Verano ReFi Costa Rica and our ReFi San José Learning Path.

🔭 Our vision for San José y Costa Rica

Join us in this adventure to create a ReFiDAO node in San José, a ReFi Lab supporting a blooming ecosystem of regenerative projects from all corners of the country, a ReFi Bridge between urban and rural contexts, that respects the cultural diversity of inhabitants and promotes the interrelatedness of existing initiatives.

Our country is a small but mighty warrior: Costa Rica was the global laboratory of demilitarization in the 1940s, of decarbonization in the 2000s, and now we are ready to transform it into a ReFi Lab for the world. We are committed to become a laboratory of regeneration and climate resilience, under a strong collaborative, democratic and decentralized approach.

Launching ReFi San José with rural, virtual and urban events

Verano ReFi Costa Rica 2023 is a series of ReFi inspired events that will be held during April-June across the country and in Barrio Escalante, San José, with support of ReFi San José, ReFiSpring and Asoblockchain Costa Rica. Each of the events will be independently organized by ReFi San José founders in rural and urban areas and we will co-organize a closing event in the city to foster meaningful connections amongst founders and other regenerative practitioners, web3 enthusiasts and changemakers looking to explore new ideas on ReFi. Together, we will consolidate San José as a ReFi lab for the World.

ReFi San José contributing to the commons from the beginning

ReFi San José Learning Path is a self-paced introduction to ReFi and the ReFi Ecosystem in Costa Rica, inspired by the Cambiatus Learning Path. This is a piece of learning content that ReFi San José envisions to contribute to the web3 commons, it will be hosted in our website and Github repository, to make it available to any other Spanish speaking community to fork and adapt it to their contexts, or to other cities to adapt into their native languages.

Three steps to ReFi in Costa Rica

These two specific and impactful first actions by ReFi San José thanks to the support of the Gitcoin community, will help us start implementing our three step strategy:

  1. Mindset change: un-learning old ideas and re-learning about regen concepts, web3, financial resilience, what is regeneration for us? What is ReFi? What is web3? positioning these concepts and building community around their intersections. In practice this means: urban and rural events/meetups/workshops, digital events, experiences, field visits and exchanges.

  2. Co-Design: Co-creating ReFi projects with a Costa Rican flavor, co-designing new collaborative businesses, finding interconnections between existing projects, helping web2 successful ideas to move to web3. In practice this means: workshops, incubator for current and emerging ReFi leaders, access to seed funding for inclusive projects.

  3. Tech: co-creating the tech our vibrant ReFi ecosystem needs, fostering local skills, redirecting current web3 creative pools to develop ReFi Projects. In practice this means: Web 3 tools & tech knowledge workshops, hackathons, collabs with existing ReFi web3 international projects.

We are excited about the possibilities of ReFi San José!

The amazing team behind ReFi San José

Behind this campaign there is a group of 16 motivated, seasoned and committed founders with years of experience in regenerative practices, community building, innovation, impact, blockchain technology, fundraising; and deeply connected with corporate, academic, government, civil and grassroots organizations in Costa Rica and Latam.

  1. Karla Córdoba Brenes, Cambiatus Co-Founder, Asoblockchain Vicepresident / Community Building, content creation, Social Currencies and DAOs co-design
  2. Danielle Gennety, Diamante Bridge Collective / Community Building
  3. Ronny Castillo, Gaia Impact / Fundación Madre Tierra Verde, investment vehicles codesign, funding strategies, tokenomics.
  4. Melissa Rivera Abarca, Fundación Madre Tierra Verde / innovation and community building.
  5. Miranda, QUÉ CIUDAD / Co-Founder / social investment/ environmental performance
  6. Ranulfo Paiva Sobrinho, Cambiatus Co-Founder / Community Building, Social Currencies and DAOs co-design
  7. Francisco Grau, Nangu / Land regeneration
  8. Pedro, Sendero-Jardín de Lolita / Community Building, culture
  9. Agustín Matteri, United Species DAO / Locally-led Climate Resilience Strategist / Node activities in Nicoya bioregion landscape-ecosystem.
  10. Lorena Erbure Cardozo, Ruta Ruda Co-Founder / social and conservation projects / cybersecurity
  11. Omar Hurtado, CofiBlocks Co-Founder / Tourism and Coffee Production
  12. Irene González Chen, Verdes Monteverde Coordinator / Journalist and Activist
  13. Randall Saborío, Diamante Bridge Collective / eco-villages and local markets
  14. Alejandro Solís, BIOTA / Ecosystem services, Member of CRUSA community
  15. Charlotte Fradet, Unity Co-living, urban co-living spaces
  16. Lila Behr, ReFi Researcher, solutions communicator.

Pura Vida! | Gracias por tu apoyo | Thank you for your support!

ReFi San José — a ReFi Lab from Costa Rica to the world History

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