RegenBootCamp: OpenCampusDAO invites you to work together for a better world.
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OpenCampusDAO is hosting a 15-day bootcamp focusing on sustainability, community solutions, and collaborative projects, uniting diverse groups engaged in regenerative and environmental initiatives in Turkey.

RegenBootCamp: OpenCampusDAO invites you to work together for a better world.

OpenCampusDAO is a project aimed at protecting natural areas threatened by urban development. It embraces sustainable practices and aims to create a research-focused co-living and co-working environment.

OpenCampus locations, used as vibrant living-labs for research and co-production, offer opportunities also for education and hands-on experience for those interested in climate awareness, sustainability and restoration. The project highlights community efforts to foster a sustainable lifestyle.

OpenCampus serves as a collaborative workspace for collectives that consider and develop solutions based on the principles of circular economy to address sustainability issues in cities. Despite various challenges in the real-world, the project remains focused on its mission of preserving and revitalizing nature. OpenCampusDAO is currently working to enhance its scalable, modular, and decentralized framework, aiming to catalyze transformative changes in the future.

We have previously participated in Gitcoin rounds to pursue these goals. You can find more information about us here;



Why we participate #GG20

In August 2024, OpenCampus is thrilled to announce a 15-day gathering, collaboration, and project development camp. This camp aims to bring together communities, DAOs, organizations, and foundations from around the world working towards a better future.

In line with our mission, this bootcamp seeks to unite various decentralized organizations, regenerative and environmental initiatives, and relevant projects focused on community-based solutions and sustainable development. Serving as both a supporter of individual projects and a platform for fostering collaborative vision and culture, we are committed to empowering projects, communities, and individuals striving for a better, more sustainable world.

Throughout the 15 days of the camp, participants will focus on:

👉Idea Sharing: Creating an environment where everyone can share their ideas and experiences and gain new perspectives. 👉Collaborative Work: Working together on joint projects with participants from different disciplines and backgrounds. 👉Project Development: Enhancing existing projects and prototyping ideas for new projects. 👉Networking: Connecting with like-minded individuals to lay the groundwork for future collaborations.

This bootcamp will assemble experts in sustainability, technology, and design, providing them with opportunities for collaborative work and learning. Participants can expect scheduled collaborative sessions lasting approximately 3-4 hours each day, with free time available for exploration and relaxation. Here, everyone will have the chance to share knowledge, explore new ideas, and collaborate to generate solutions. Additionally, the program will feature hackathons and interactive activities, offering ample opportunities for engagement, sharing expertise, and tackling real-world challenges.

Why Turkiye?

Turkey is the birthplace of the Lydian Civilization, where the first modern concepts of consensus and decentralization were born with the Lydian Cities Constitution, and the first modern monetary system was established. With its dynamic and young population, geographical and cultural bridge between Asia, Europe, and Africa, and its popularity as a destination for digital nomads, Turkey is increasingly prominent. It has hosted significant blockchain events such as EthIstanbul in 2023 and Solana Crossroads in May 2024. Additionally, it is home to some of the world's most dynamic blockchain communities such as ITUBlockchain and OdtuBlockchain.

Who Are We Inviting?

We invite communities, DAOs, organizations, and foundations interested in sustainability, climate solutions, community building, digital nomads, blockchain, DAOs, cooperatives, permaculture, the sharing economy, social entrepreneurship, and more.


The camp program is designed to facilitate learning, sharing, and collaboration among participants. In addition to approximately 4 hours of collaborative work sessions per day, there will be workshops, presentations, panel discussions, and social activities.

Bootcamp Concepts

The focus of the camp will include various concepts to discuss such as:

-   Regenerative Communities
-   Public Goods
-   Partnerships
-   Protocols
-   Governance
-   Consensus
-   DAOs
-   Regenerative Agriculture
-   Urban Forest
-   Food Forest
-   Miyawaki Technique
-   Climate
-   Digital Nomads
-   Solar Nomads
-   Community-Based Food Production
-   Recycling/Upcycling
-   Science
-   Refinancing
-   Decentralized Finance
-   Decentralized PIN
-   Co-Living Labs
-   Cooperatives
-   Good Life/Long Life/Longevity
-   Earthship Passive Solar House
-   Rainwater Harvesting
-   Composting
-   Universal Basic Income (UBI)
-   Material Science
-   Sustainable Materials
-   Biomaterials
-   Bioeconomic Zones
-   P2P
-   Collaboration
-   Open Collective Business/Community Business
-   Community Currency
-   Social Economy
-   Circular Economy
-   Permaculture

🎯 Micro-financing from Gitcoin #GG20 round will support crucial needs such as planning, coordination, and execution of this bootcamp. This event presents a unique opportunity to forge new collaborations, find inspiration, and elevate projects to the next level.

We extend a warm invitation to all Gitcoin communities to join us in this engaging bootcamp and contribute to creating a brighter future. Come, join us, and be part of changing the world together!

RegenBootCamp: OpenCampusDAO invites you to work together for a better world. History

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