$62.96 crowdfunded from 7 people

$153.37 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Community-owned podcast focusing on web3, DAOs, and tech, with guests chosen through member nominations and voting.

Rehash is the first community-owned podcast where members nominate and vote on which guests they want to hear on the podcast.

Our mission is to become the preeminent podcast for exploring web3, DAOs, and the human side of emerging technology so that we can onboard the masses to web3 through our community governance model.

Rehash History

People donating to Rehash, also donated to

Funding for a research group focusing on developing DAO contracts with a new accounting method, Oxcart, to improve DAO governance automation.
Volunteered as a Discord/Telegram moderator for Gitcoin, fighting POAP farmers, assisting the community, and proposed a grant review tool for Gitcoin's impact assessment.
Applicant seeking support for diverse roles in the Gitcoin ecosystem, including facilitation, grant management, volunteer work, public speaking, and experimentation.
Volunteered in developing Gitcoin Data Portal for data accessibility, contributed data to OS-Observer for tracking open-source project impact, and developed curriculum for RegenLearnings.xyz DataBootcamp.
Exploring innovative funding methods for Gitcoin's matching pool and expanding Gitcoin's Grants Stack into new communities to support relevant projects.