SANE Foundation: Pioneering Web3 Climate Solutions in Bioregions Worldwide

$38.27 crowdfunded from 37 people

$55.14 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Web3-powered S.A.N.E. Foundation fosters global climate solutions through bioregional stewardship, regenerative economies, and a novel SANEconomy system that values natural capital and community well-being.


The S.A.N.E. Foundation is a pioneering force in environmental stewardship, leveraging the transformative power of web3 technology to address global climate challenges. Our vision is the SANEconomy, a revolutionary economic system designed to align with Earth's biocapacity, providing real-time feedback loops from the biosphere and empowering communities to shape their sustainable futures.

Impact & Initiatives:

Bioregional Stewardship:

Inland Temperate Rainforest in BC: We cooperatively steward over 35,000 acres in the Inland Temperate Rainforest of western Canada. We also manage a 400-acre farm and an 80-acre mountain-top ecovillage. Our initiatives here encompass agroforestry, eco-forestry, reintroduction of fire in historically fire-maintained ecosystems, fish rehabilitation, watershed restoration, and wildfire mitigation. We are establishing an 11-acre Resiliency Center to serve as a dynamic hub for community activities, civic engagement, and ecological education. Through these efforts, we aim to foster resilience, robustness, and community well-being, ensuring that the local populace plays an active role in shaping their region's flourishing future.

Amazon Rainforest Partnership: In collaboration with the Shuar Nation, we are developing a regenerative economy within the Amazon, spanning over two million acres. This initiative is a harmonious blend of ecological preservation, human wellness enhancement, and the acknowledgment of the Shuar People's inherent sovereignty. As we embark on this transformative journey, we're not only safeguarding an essential ecosystem, but also championing a model where nature, culture, and economy converge synergistically. We have our inaugural series of proposals poised for implementation, and initial investments will be directly allocated to these groundbreaking projects. These encompass the construction of a Shaur Temple of Wisdom, the development of a marketplace, and offices for the Shuar to share their unique goods and services, as well as pivotal forestry restoration projects aimed at enhancing biodiversity and strengthening carbon sequestration. Through these endeavors, we are actively setting the stage for a future rooted in vitality, resilience, and shared prosperity.

Ecuadorian Andes Engagement: Our engagement in the Ecuadorian Andes spans over 100 acres, with a focus on ecovillage development, full-stack permaculture, and youth empowerment. Our Ecuadorian Resiliency Center supports civic engagement by bridging local wisdom with innovative sustainable practices. Our Applied Regenerative Sciences Initiative serves as a living testament to holistic regeneration, blending the ancient with the avant-garde. As we cultivate spaces like our research lab amidst flourishing permaculture gardens, we are sowing seeds for a future where science, spirituality, and sustainability converge. As we continue our work, each bioregion we engage with becomes a model for regenerative solutions, demonstrating the transformative power of community-driven environmental stewardship. As we witness these amazing results, we are gearing up to expand to other territories primed and ready for a sane approach.

NUNA Algorithm:

The SANE Algorithm, known as NUNA, is central to our transformative approach. While still in development, its foundation is a dual-faceted engine designed to give a voice to nature and human wellness, while also assigning tangible value to natural capital assets and services.

Voice of Nature and Human Wellness: NUNA, when fully realized, will be data-driven, open-sourced, and constantly evolving. It aims to integrate both qualitative and quantitative data, offering a comprehensive feedback mechanism. Drawing from decades of data collection from our bioregion in British Columbia, which has already been utilized in highly effective fire prediction models guiding strategy and preservation, NUNA's potential is immense. Unlike traditional economic systems that often neglect foundational assets like Ecosystems Health and Services, NUNA's design incorporates these alongside a Human Wellness Index. This promises an economy that values both tangible assets, such as the oxygen produced by an old-growth tree and intangible joys, like the happiness of children playing in a park.

Assigning Monetary Value: The envisioned brilliance of NUNA lies in its potential to assign value to current conditions and then project values to future desired states. This differential between the present and the future is set to form the core of the SANEconomy. By reverse-engineering these proposed future conditions back to current states, we will assess the impact of our improvements, establishing a unique sector of proficiency within the SANEconomy framework.

Our commitment to NUNA is steadfast, and the funds raised through this grant will significantly aid in its development and realization.

Proposals & Smart Contracts: Central to the SANEconomy is the concept of Proposals. These are envisioned future conditions that, with NUNA's assistance, are assigned a value. Proposals range from restoring degraded lands to rejuvenating public parks. Once a proposal is approved, a Smart Contract is generated, and SANE tokens, representing the value of the proposal, are minted. This approach ensures that the SANEconomy is rooted in real, tangible actions on the ground, driving regenerative activities.

From Bioregional to Global: NUNA is designed to function initially at the bioregional scale, with processes replicable worldwide. Over time, its application can expand to national and global scales. By focusing on actionable projects and real activities, the SANEconomy offers a sustainable alternative to traditional economic systems based on debt and infinite growth.

Technical Backbone: NUNA is built using the Unreal Engine with ArcGIS plug-ins, ensuring robustness and scalability. It is open-source, inviting collective evolution and refinement. As a representation of our collective journey, NUNA aims to align choice-making, economic activities, and the human-nature interface towards a Sustainable, All-considerate, Numinous, and Evolutionary (S.A.N.E.) future.

Decentralized Finance:

The SANEconomy, powered by the $SANE token, is our blueprint for intertwining decentralized finance with ecological regeneration:

  1. Shared Success: Every $SANE holder is not just an investor but also a stakeholder in our regenerative journey. As we achieve milestones in bioregional projects, holders are rewarded, making them direct beneficiaries of on-ground progress.

  2. Stake for the Future: Beyond traditional staking, we offer a chance to invest in the very fabric of our planet. By staking in specific bioregions, you're not just securing a financial future, but also championing a vision of a world that is Sustainable, All-considerate, Numinous, and Evolutionary (aka SANE).

  3. Natural Capital Assets: As the SANEconomy matures, bioregions will launch their own tokens, each backed by their invaluable natural assets. This decentralizes financial power, directly linking the creation of value to the health and vitality of the planet.

By reimagining the economic reward system, we ensure that value is intrinsically tied to tangible, beneficial conditions on the ground. This approach not only decentralizes economic power, but also empowers communities to drive initiatives that resonate with their bioregional ethos.

Global Network for Regeneration:

A New Dawn in Finance: At the heart of the SANEconomy is a commitment to reshape the very essence of finance. We are not just creating a token; we are crafting a new narrative whereby every transaction echoes with purpose, and every stakeholder becomes a guardian of our planet.

Bioregional Empowerment: Our approach begins locally, but thinks globally. By empowering individual bioregions, we are weaving a tapestry of interconnected hubs, each a beacon of sustainable practices and regenerative actions. This isn't just decentralization; it is a global symphony of ecological harmony.

Harnessing the Sustainable Impact Market: The world is hungry for genuine, impactful change. The SANEconomy is poised to channel this demand, transforming latent capital into a force for global regeneration. Every stake in our system is an investment, as well as a commitment to a world where sustainability and shared prosperity thrive.

Beyond Traditional Staking - A Pledge for Tomorrow: With our "Stake for the Future" initiative, we are inviting you to be more than just an investor. You become a visionary, pledging allegiance to a world where finance and ecology are inseparable allies.

Join the Evolution: As we lay the groundwork for this transformative economy, we invite you to be part of this journey. This is more than just a financial venture; it is a call to arms, a movement, a collective dream of a world where every transaction nurtures our planet.

Become a "Saner" & Get Involved:

Join the SANE Nation and actively contribute to a saner world. As a "saner", you can propose regenerative actions, get rewarded for your contributions, champion your bioregion's onboarding, and access the SANE App, which is being developed in partnership with ZERO ( to bring a world-class encrypted communication, decentralized social media and DAO coordination experience to our contributors. In addition, “saners” will get to join exclusive community events, virtually and in SANE bioregions around the world.

Support Our Vision:

By supporting SANE in this GG18 CLIMATE Round, you are not just funding a project; you are championing a revolutionary approach to climate solutions, weaving the power of web3 with tangible, on-ground impact. Your contribution will catalyze our initiatives, drive GHG reduction, and set the stage for a new era of web3 climate solutions.

SANE Foundation: Pioneering Web3 Climate Solutions in Bioregions Worldwide History

  • accepted into Climate Round 1 year ago. 37 people contributed $38 to the project, and $55 of match funding was provided.

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