Solarpunk Nomads: new vehicles and first land based project in Italy
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Developing solar-powered, zero-emission nomadic lifestyles and vehicles to build a climate-resilient society, with projects including workshops, online tools, research stations, advocacy bikes, and educational games.

Since early 2022, we have been collectively developing the concept of Solarpunk Nomadism. From concept development, to the first vehicles + implementations, workshops and online tools and now new vehicles and an upcoming land project.

All the vehicles created by us are community-owned and employed to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable and climate-resilient society.


Changemakers, dreamers, and builders who live nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyles using zero-carbon emission vehicles - such as EV vans, EV bikes, sailboats or even traveling on foot- powered by renewable energies.

🚐 πŸ›°οΈ These nomads remain constantly connected to the internet through satellite connections and are proactive in forging a Solarpunk society.

β˜€οΈπŸ—£οΈ They are the storytellers and primary catalysts of a society where technology and ecological wisdom converge to craft a brighter future for all.

WHAT'S COMING These are all our active projects, your contribution will enable us to build this and much more.

πŸ”œ Our first land based project, a Climate Adaptation Research Station (CARS) in Northern Italy. This research station will allow us to have a space to test innovative Solarpunk Technologies to activate one of the key aspects of Solarpunk Nomadism: bringing Climate Solutions to local communities to increase their Climate Change Resilience. First concept art of the development of the property of 3.7 acres:


πŸ”œ A bamboo expedition bike in Uganda with the aim of doing Climate Advocacy in southern Uganda, in collaboration with Comrades to Youths Comrades to Youths


πŸ”œ A solarpunk cargo bike in Latin America in collaboration with Web3Beach, assisting a local changemaker in reforestation and beautification activities in the city of Lima.


πŸ”œ Our first hiking expedition in the Alps, done with friends of our community with the goal of co-imagining the future of the alpine region. Also testing a Solarpunk mountain setup. Happening in June 2024. Working Doc


πŸ”œ Side quest in Sweden to open the way of the creation of a safe place in Scandinavia, May 2024.

πŸ”œ Imagine Brussels, a Solarpunk Art Exhibition in Belgium co-organised with other local partners as part of a side event of ethCC in Brussels, Belgium. July 2024.

πŸ”œ A Solarpunk educational board game that focuses on envisioning sustainable futures, in particular on the sustainable Green Competence of Future Literacy. The project is being co-developed with Zavod Erea and is co-financed by the European Union. An extra project for SPN, necessary to delve deeper in the world of Education and of European grants. Sneak peek on this extra project: NOMADS-MOOD-BOARD.png

πŸ”œ Three Solarpunk World Building workshops, online or in real life, co-creating spaces where participants are brought to an immersive solarpunk reality and invited to craft their own vision of the future.

πŸ”œ Develop an Interactive Map of the Future featuring Nomads, Safe Places, Routes and Tribes. [2024]

πŸ”œ Build the Solarpunk Nomads DApp to assist traveling changemakers in: -monitoring and reducing CO2 emissions [2024]
-accessing community vehicles and safe places [2024] -leveraging regenerative activities at the local level [2025]


πŸ’‘A network of solar powered recharge stations, testing area in Nigeria with Switch Electric.

πŸ’‘A project in Ladakh, India to increase the Climate Change resilience of the local population. The region of Ladakh is considered the third pole of the world due to its ice fields containing the largest reserve of freshwater outside the polar regions.

WHAT WE HAVE BUILT SO FAR [LATEST] [2024] Update on all that was done since the start of the year 2024.

βœ”οΈ The Climate Tracker tool to help regenerators monitor and improve their individual Climate Change Resilience. [2023] Test your Climate Resilience now HERE!


βœ”οΈ Upgrade of the Nomad Hub thanks to our help of our designer from Mexico Adriana, with new sections showcasing: -European Solar Bike -The E-Tuk Tuk -The Solarpunk Nomads Routes

βœ”οΈ GAIA, an AI infused with Solarpunk ideals and human creativity. GAIA is more than just a chatbot; it's a beacon guiding us towards a sustainable future, fostering innovation, connecting minds, and inspiring collective action. Test the 1st version HERE!

WHAT WE HAVE BUILT SO FAR [2022-2023] Solarpunk Nomads started in May 2022. These are all the projects we have completed in the last 2 years.

βœ”οΈ Completed a European Tour of Solarpunk World Building IRL workshops with events happening in London, Amsterdam and Berlin (+India few months before with 2 events)


βœ”οΈ The first version of the Nomad Hub, a gamified digital platform where: -you can explore the world of Solarpunk Nomads -you can discover the first ever Solarpunk Nomads Vehicles -you have access to the tools of the nomads, including the Nomad Fund, Solarpunk World Building, and in the future, the Climate Tracker and G.AI.A chatbot. -you can see how we manage the funds of the project

βœ”οΈ Completed a revision of the Solarpunk Nomadism digital guidebook.

βœ”οΈ Launched Solarpunk World Building, generating over 900k views in 5 months and over 1000 AI artworks.

βœ”οΈ Opened the first Solarpunk Nomads Route by riding the first Solarpunk camper bike for over 1500 kilometers from Italy to Belgium, testing the set-up from Southern Europe to Northern Europe.


βœ” ️ Completed the set-up of the electric Tuk Tuk in India, to be used for education activities and expeditions to document Climate Change.


βœ” ️Completed the setup of the first Solarpunk Nomads E-bike, now stationed in central Europe.


βœ”οΈ Established a social treasury for nomads in need, then Nomad Fund.

βœ”οΈ Kickstarted this new concept from scratch.

βœ”οΈ Created over 50 original visual artifacts in collaboration with various artists.


βœ”οΈ Built an ongoing virtual art exhibition about Solarpunk Nomadism, check it here.

βœ”οΈ Co-founded the Solarpunk Guild, a collective that supports SP-inspired projects


🐻 Marco: Solarpunk Nomad in passion with education, electrification and Climate Activism. Marco can be found in other Climate Infrastructure projects like All For Climate and Climate Coordination Network

🌍 Earthbasedsoul: wildlife biologist and visionary changemaker. Founder of, passionate about sailing, mushroom foraging and baking pizza.

WHY IS SOLARPUNK NOMADISM A CLIMATE SOLUTION? This is the only application of Solarpunk Nomads to GG20. Our project is focused primarily on Renewable Energy and specifically Electrification and Sustainable Mobility. Other key elements of our ur activity are Climate Resilience/Adaptability and education.

🌳 Promotes sustainable mobility, electrification, renewables adoption and climate resilience through Educational Workshops, Real Life Prototypes and the building of innovative web2/web3 tools.

🌳 Leverages nomadism to promote the Solarpunk vision.

🌳 Helps changemakers to increase their personal Climate Change Resilience and to maintain functionality in challenging times.

🌳 Helps to reduce the carbon footprint of various types of communities.

🌳 Promotes minimalism and a rethinking of lifestyle toward sustainability and Climate Resilience.

🌳 Has very high potential scalability inside and outside the Web3 Space.

🌳 Facilitates low carbon IRL connections between changemakers, projects, events.

Solarpunk Nomads: new vehicles and first land based project in Italy History

People donating to Solarpunk Nomads: new vehicles and first land based project in Italy, also donated to

Accelerating access to solar energy for underserved communities via blockchain, The Solar Foundation focuses on off-grid projects in Africa and pilot UBI programs for rural empowerment and climate resilience.
Developing a climate-positive mobile school/home bus and Web3 Neighborhood Governance program for peer-governed, regenerative smart cities, including eco-technology research and implementations.
Engage the Koh Phangan community in regenerative finance and sustainability through events, NFTs for environmental initiatives, cleanups, and educational outreach, while planning a recycling project, Re:Plast, to convert plastic waste into valuable products.