$22.77 crowdfunded from 3 people
$8.96 received from matching pools
Solidity School is an initiative to help Spanish-speaking developers learn Solidity and blockchain technology. The initiative is based on Solidity code summaries and technical content posted on my own blog and on YouTube videos.
Notion: https://leanlabiano.super.site/
YouTube www.youtube.com/@leanlabiano
Create a complete Solidity guide in Spanish, from "Hello World" to advanced audit examples. Foster an active learning community by organizing events and hackathons to help developers improve their skills and build practical projects. Target audience: Solidity School aims to help those interested in learning Solidity with as little language friction as possible. The initiative seeks to assist those whose level of English proficiency may not be optimal for accessing high-quality educational resources.
Current status:
- Basics (Completed)
- Intermediate (In progress)
YouTube tutorials:
- Basics (In progress)
Join Solidity School and help me create a community to learn how to build blockchain projects with Solidity!
Solidity School - to help Spanish-speaking History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 3 people contributed $23 to the project, and $9 of match funding was provided.