Sustainable Heating with Compute Power
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Creating a dual-purpose supercomputer that heats spaces while providing decentralized cloud computing, aiming for a cost-efficient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional data centers.

⚡️ We build systems that heat spaces with compute power—accelerating the transition to sustainable heating and laying the foundation for zero-emission, decentralized computing.

🤔 The Problem

Heating spaces is the biggest household energy expense and accounts for 40% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. In the EU, almost 63% of total household energy is used for heating, while in the US, it's about 43%.

In addition, data centers and crypto miners already consume 2% of the world's electricity. 40% of it is used for cooling, which is enough energy to heat millions of homes or offices.

💡 Our Solution

Furoa is a symbiosis of two products: a supercomputer disguised as a heating system and a decentralized cloud compute platform. It's built for high-performance compute tasks like AI training/inference, rendering CGI, performing simulations, processing audio/video data, or running crypto staking nodes.

Unlike existing cloud compute services, Furoa wastes no energy on cooling and doesn't require building huge data centers or hiring thousands of maintenance workers. That makes it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution.

🔮 Our Vision

Our vision is for millions of spaces worldwide to be heated using Furoa. With every additional space the combined processing power and degree of redundancy will increase—but most importantly, the cheaper access to high-performance computing will become.

👾 Open Source

We deeply believe that a global computing platform should be built by its community. That's why Furoa's operating system will be open-source once the software and hardware has been battle-tested.

💸 Use of Funds

All funds we receive will go towards prototype development.

🙏 Help accelerate the transition to sustainable heating and decentralized computing by supporting the development of Furoa.

👉 Learn more on and follow us @FuroaCo.

Sustainable Heating with Compute Power History

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