$24.74 crowdfunded from 0 people
This is an association formed by social workers who used to work in community children and youth centres and people who care about education. We have observed that many students do not adapt to the subject-centred and achievement-oriented teaching mode of schools, and become "Educational trauma survivor", but they are unable to access other educational options due to the difference in their financial or intellectual capital.
Educational trauma survivor: Young people who have developed an aversion to school and even to learning because their internal motivation is not valued, their learning style is different from the mainstream school style, and they find it difficult to adapt to the interpersonal relationship in school. We believe that such young people are actually experiencing trauma in learning, not only losing their motivation and passion for learning, but also dealing a serious blow to their sense of self-worth and sense of self-competence, and in serious cases, they may even develop physical and mental illnesses.
We hope that through co-operation with community children and youth service units (including workshops or camps, and daily mutual accompaniment), we can raise students' awareness of their own situation, make more diversified educational choices possible, and help those who are bored and cannot find their way back to their own connection and passion for learning. At the same time, it also establishes a support system so that students can have people to discuss with during the exploration process, connect with the resources needed for learning, and build a network of community goodwill. Ultimately, all people, regardless of age, economic background and circumstances, will be able to enjoy self-centred learning that is designed to suit them.
The project will
Call on members of the Association to join Discord to discuss and learn about web3 issues, apply the concept of web3 fundraising to local public good organisations in Taiwan, and echo the experiment of democracy in the digital world with local practices in Taiwan.
Adopt the web3 concept in future fundraising actions, so that supporting members can also practice the web3 fundraising mode in advance.
If you are one of those people who dislike school but love to learn.
If you understand the pain the kids go through.
If you have some financial leftover.
If you believe in the power of education to make a person unique.
If you understand the hardship and effort that accompanies with educational trauma survivor.
We sincerely invite you to support us, and let this passionate endeavour continue!
Taiwan Association for the Accompaniment of Educational trauma survivor(臺灣厭學者引路協會) History
accepted into gov0/FAB DAO/dao0 Live Rround 1 year ago.