
$162.67 crowdfunded from 66 people

$1,718.58 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Developing on-chain real estate primitives for climate solutions by classifying land, creating property NFTs with LLCs, enabling accurate ownership, and integrating oracles for real-time solution monitoring.

TaterDAO is developing the legal and technical primitives to bring real estate on-chain.

This is an important problem to solve because the foundation of all sustainable efforts to reward and shape climate solutions are grounded in real estate.

Offices, factories, solar farms, homes, farms, and every other real world asset touches real property (i.e. real estate). Low hanging fruit climate solutions involve LED lighting, solar power, biomass, soil capture, upgrading of HVAC systems, wind energy, etc. All of those efforts happen in or on a building, home, farm or other form of real estate.

In order to identify, create and develop climate solutions, we need to accurately identify and classify land and bring that land on-chain.

All other Web3 real estate and climate startups need what we're building to:

Accurately identify and classify real property
Create NFTs accurately representing real world property assets
Nesting an LLC within an NFT, to transfer ownership to property without having to change title
LLCs can own the title
Accurate ownership representation on NFTs allow regenerative finance operations to borrow and lend capital involving real world assets
Metadata is geared specifically for real property, with location, deeds and/or title
External oracles will be used to monitor and manage real property climate solutions in real time.

TaterDAO History

  • applied to the Climate Round 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 55 people contributed $96 to the project, and $152 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 11 people contributed $67 to the project, and $1,567 of match funding was provided.

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