The Neptune Project

$122.48 crowdfunded from 13 people

$249.01 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Create a three-part ReFi documentary on the endangered French Posidonia ecosystem, exploring its cryptoeconomically-driven protection and regeneration efforts, aiming to educate and inspire ecological and economic alignment through Web3 technologies.

🔱THE MISSION To produce the first ever ReFi documentary series about the real world application of Web3 technologies for ecological restoration and climate action. 🌊In three short videos, we will highlight the importance of a crucial and endangered mediterranean seagrass — the French Posidonia ecosystem — and share research on its protection and regeneration via an innovative cryptoeconomic model focusing around a nature-backed community currency 🚀

🌈THE VISION We aim to educate and communicate the interrelation of economy and ecology in a visual and accessible manner, demonstrate the power of Web3 to generate impact, and inspire action. We will begin with this series, but our vision and hope is that this catalyzes a movement and a research and development focus in the space on cryptoeconomic models for real world impact.

🎥THE GRANT WORK WILL RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING: -Dozens of recorded interviews with a diverse group of subject matter experts from climate action and environmental restoration, to carbon scientists, token engineers and crypto economic researchers.

-A series of three 10-15 minutes documentaries:

Part 1: The Posidonia Herbarium, A Pivotal Ecosystem in Peril Ecological and economic degradation and impact told through the local lens

Part 2: Reframing Posidonia and Ecosystems as Natural Capital Intro to Natural Capital Assets, Ecological Economics, exploration of the potential of new innovative economic models to re-align incentives using blockchain technologies

Part 3: Regenerating the Reef & The Dawn of the Regenaissance Confronting landscape scale problems in multiple dimensions - restoration techniques, new economic models as patterns, their potential in reversing feedback loops and aligning economy with ecology

-Sponsor/granting organization logo in all film credits and on all marketing materials and press releases -Creation of a website -Press release distribution to hundreds of international journalists -Submissions to documentary film festivals i.e. Cannes, EkoFilm, Innsbruck Nature Film Festival -Documentary series screenings at #ReFi & Climate action events, and launch events in Hyères-les-Palmiers, Marseille, Lisbon and Berlin -Series distribution on several platforms; our key advisor is a documentary filmmaker whose work has appeared on Netflix (see team section).

👥 AUDIENCE While this documentary series is focused on Web3 builders and researchers, our aim is to touch and connect a public that stretches beyond the traditional and well-informed crypto-savvy audience and crosses many areas of disciplinary study. Our intended audience also includes government and non-governmental organizations in Europe and around the globe, scientists and engineers, and social and environmental activists across ecology, economics, climate change, and tech.


Louise Borreani is a writer and researcher at Curve Labs, where she published extensive research on natural capital assets and the tokenomics for seagrass restoration. She graduated with a Master in Environmental Policy, writing her thesis on blockchain applications for environmental governance, and has experience in journalism and radio broadcasting.

Jessica Zartler is an award-winning journalist, token engineering researcher and communications advisor at BlockScience studying and writing about regenerative economics, computer-aided governance, complex systems, algorithmic policy design, narratives and memetics. She is a founding steward of the Token Engineering Commons and advisor and course author in the first ever Token Engineering Fundamentals course at Token Engineering Academy.

Ryan Christoffersen is a producer, cinematographer, researcher and full stack engineer currently working as a technical product manager for the Regen Network. He produced documentaries such as “Living on One Dollar”, released on Netflix in 2015.

Mehdi Muso is a videographer and certified diving instructor living in Marseille. After having studied a Photography Masters degree in Documentary and Photojournalism at the Speos Photographic Institute in Paris, Musso specialized in capturing underwater scenes. Outside of this, his work also focuses on underlying stories of everyday people by bringing new light to the physical and social landscapes they live within.

Katy Wright is a former BBC radio and online journalist/producer. She now writes copy, creates content, and develops brand identities for both traditional and emerging media companies. Alongside her freelance work, Katy is the marketing co-ordinator for a leading UK film and TV locations agency and teaches English Conversation about Art, Design & Biomimicry at l'Institut Superieur de Design de Saint Malo in her adopted hometown.

💪WHAT HAS BEEN DONE SO FAR The documentary series will be based on the following research by Louise Borreani and Curve Labs with further investigation by Jessica Zartler and colleagues at BlockScience, Regen Network, and the Token Engineering community:

-The Cryptoeconomic Neptune highlights the importance of Posidonia’s ecosystem services, then introduces a tokenized natural capital system inspired by Kolektivo.

-New Breath in the Mediterranean details Posidonia’s restoration methods and techniques

-Primer on Natural Capital Currencies lists the different manners in which Web3 tooling can represent, maintain and restore natural capital in the real world

-Web3 Natural Capital Assets Taxonomy designs a living classification system for natural capital assets

-Created a teaser video (awaiting one permission for public distribution)

-Purchased a domain and started work on a website

💸 WHERE THE MONEY GOES This grant will support the production of the documentary series. Costs include:

-Research, writing and translation -Underwater cinematography, video production and editing -Graphic design and animation -Travel expenses & carbon offsets -Marketing and press release

💱WHAT WE CAN DO WITH MORE FUNDING A documentary series of higher quality — for example by:

-Expanding the video production team -Covering additional Posidonia restoration projects -A documentary series with more impact — for example by: Expanding marketing & distribution of the video series -Organizing events around the projection

💙 For further information, questions or collaboration requests, please follow us on Twitter @_NeptuneProject or email us at

The Neptune Project History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 9 people contributed $68 to the project, and $222 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 4 people contributed $54 to the project, and $27 of match funding was provided.

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