The Network Society Forum
average score over 2 application evaluations
Open forum for network society articles with a $500 prize for top posts in April; built by an international team to surface the best ideas, featuring upcoming features like AI translation.

TL;DR We should have an open forum for full length articles about network societies. This way, the best ideas can be elevated and evolve instead of being drowned out in way too many telegram groups.

Check out one of our articles: What is a Zuzalu Style Event? -

A full introduction for the forum is found here -


Noah Chon Lee and Andrew J Starr each added $250 into a crowdfunded prize for someone to build an MVP for the forum.

Michael Jola-Moses in Nigeria and Michael Cherneski in the USA each reached out to work on this and when Noah connected them they decided to build the MVP together.

Next, Noah released a prize to build a ZK proof of personhood into the forum and Renee of Holonym won this by adapting her web3 forum template with Ceramic OrbisDB and showing us how to add Holo Passport to users.

7 authors posted articles and shared feedback on the platform. What we found is:

  1. The posts take a while to load which might be improved with SSG
  2. Initially logging in using Silk wallet is a bit cumbersome and could be smoother. Ideally, it is as easy as simply receiving an OTP to an email like in Privy.
  3. Users accidentally misuse the editor and have difficulty formatting posts as can be seen in the image above (Solved, see this prior prize:

Michael and Noah received $200 in a previous Gitcoin round which is funding this prize:

We are now applying to GG21 with a multi-sig to fund prizes for the next features.


Our finances and upcoming features are shown here:

Some upcoming features include: AI translation for posts into Chinese, Spanish, etc. Directory of individuals and projects and a map

In particular we are excited to ready the platform to be easy to use in time for the Network Society Camp ( Oct 11-14.

See our open-source code:

You are welcome to contact us by DMing here if you would like to contribute to this:

This grant will be our first funding. How we use funds will be tracked in the spreadsheet. We will use the funds to: Fund prizes for features shown in the spreadsheet Hosting costs ($50/month) Prizes such as for the most upvoted posts

Thank you for supporting!

The Network Society Forum History

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