Trusted Seed

$530.36 crowdfunded from 250 people

$1,026.33 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Global network incubating regenerative economy projects through token engineering, DAO governance, and member expertise, seeking funds to enhance REGEN Score tool and reinforce operations.


Trusted Seed specializes in curating a global network of value-driven individuals who are committed to creating regenerative economies for public goods through token engineering and DAO governance. Our members represent a broad spectrum of expertise, including blockchain developers, token engineers, social innovators, investors, coaches, researchers, artists, and many more.

We’ve been working together to incubate and accelerate public good projects that align with our mission and create spaces where we can foster deeper connections and facilitate knowledge sharing. Our milestones include launching the Token Engineering Commons (TEC) and hosting learning and networking events such as picnics, unconferences, and social expeditions.

The Gitcoin funding will bolster our REGEN Score project, supplementing our grant from Optimism to ensure the timely delivery of milestones and the addition of more features. It will also enable us to create user-friendly learning resources and how-to guides for wider adoption of REGEN Score and reinforce Trusted Seed operations, ensuring our network's continued growth and impact.

About Trusted Seed

Trusted Seed is a global network of trusted actors committed to creating regenerative economies for public goods through token engineering and DAO governance. Through a rigorous membership application process, Trusted Seed has curated a list of value-driven individuals we ensure that only reputable and trustworthy actors are invited to participate in the launch of new DAOs/Commons and have access to initial token distributions from mission-aligned projects, thereby enhancing the integrity and security of these initiatives.

One of Trusted Seed's key milestones is the launch of the Token Engineering Commons (TEC), a global project that aims to establish an open-source community of token engineers and researchers. Trusted Seed members played a crucial role in the early governance and fundraising of TEC, contributing to its vision, roadmap, and development. This successful collaboration underscores the value of a curated network of value-driven actors committed to advancing decentralized technologies and governance models.

Trusted Seed has also been hosting several spaces for our members to build connections and partnerships in the web3 ecosystem, learn new tools and skills, and become effective leaders.

Milestones Achieved Since Gitcoin Beta Round Thanks to the donations received in the previous Gitcoin Beta Round, we at Trusted Seed have made substantial progress toward our mission. Your generous support has empowered us to achieve key milestones:

Web3 + AI Unconference. We want to express our delight at the successful turnout for the Web3 + AI Unconference! We had a total of 130 registrants and hosted 15 compelling sessions that bridged the gap between blockchain and artificial intelligence. This level of engagement continues to fuel our commitment to these emerging fields. Watch some of the recorded sessions here. Catalonia Social Expedition. On another exciting note, we had the opportunity to lead the Catalonia Social Expedition as part of the ETHBarcelona side events! It was a fantastic journey, with 15 participants joining us on this insightful tour. We're thrilled by the energetic exchange of ideas and deep exploration of the vibrant social movements of Catalonia. Relive the magic of our expedition.

Curation process and member benefits. We've refined our curation process and membership terms to ensure our community is composed of value-driven individuals actively contributing to public good projects. These enhancements aim to foster a dynamic, engaged, and collaborative network.

Our Team

Trusted Seed strives to be a diverse, equitable and inclusive community and we are proud to have members coming from Ukraine, Venezuela, and the Philippines, which brings different perspectives and ideas to the table. Four members of our team are women, making up 57% of our team. We aim to create a respectful and safe environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and contributing to our team's goals. We celebrate our diversity and commit to continuously learning and improving our inclusivity efforts.

Trusted Seed History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 183 people contributed $266 to the project, and $732 of match funding was provided.
  • applied to the Web3 Social 10 months ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 67 people contributed $264 to the project, and $295 of match funding was provided.

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