Universal Impact Pool from Endaoment & Gitcoin
average score over 1 application evaluations
The Universal Impact Pool (UIP) is an automated fund that matches donations to nonprofits each quarter, supporting a variety of causes based on community donations.

The Universal Impact Pool (UIP) is an automated matching fund designed to streamline onchain philanthropic efforts. Developed by Endaoment and Gitcoin using the Allo Protocol, the UIP serves as a composable, permissionless endpoint for impact, distributing quarterly grants to every nonprofit that receives funding on Endaoment during that period.

This approach allows UIP to adjust grant allocations based on community donations each quarter, directly supporting a variety of nonprofits as determined by donor activity. The fund is designed to efficiently extend the impact of donations by matching them based on the collective input of the community.

By supporting UIP through Gitcoin Grants, donors will be directly funding a shifting range of nonprofit causes, curated through ecosystem giving patterns. This structure not only ensures that resources are allocated where they are most needed, but also maintains alignment with community priorities.

Nouns’ commitment to fund UIP over the next decade is an example of how sustained support can help stabilize and expand philanthropic efforts. For details, please visit Nouns Proposal #471: https://nouns.wtf/vote/471

For more on Endaoment and the real-world public goods value of the UIP, visit their 2023 Impact Report: https://endaoment.org/impact

Universal Impact Pool from Endaoment & Gitcoin History

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