Core team member of Lets GROW DAO that powered Lets GROW LIVE during GG 19.
Lets GROW LIVE was a 24/7 X Space during the 2 weeks of GG 19.
These spaces are held primarily to help grantees shill during Gitcoin rounds but eventually do lead to a lot of cross pollinating, community building, awareness building and a lot more because they are on for literally the whole time that the Gitcoin round runs.
My contribution to Lets GROW LIVE as a core team member of Lets GROW DAO was to help in structuring, onboarding, coordinating and stewarding for 3-4 hrs everyday.
As a result of this I have shed light on the Gitcoin ecosystem on several occasions along with helping people understand better to make thier first donation and also explaining Gitcoin to prospective grantees.
Some key stats of Lets GROW LIVE -
Speakers - 1106
Listeners - 17901
Total no of hrs - 330.86
Impressions - 124,288
Engagements - 17644
Reactions - 94,000
This is a result of the spaces being broadcasted on Linkedin and X with our broadcast partners -
Lets GROW Dao
Refi Dao
Bankless Dao
Solarpunk Dao
Koko Dao
Proof for the above can be found on -
We continue building on this momentum for GG 20 where we will improve the programming, add more broadcast partners and have communities beyond the Refi space also participating to GROW the movement
Utkarsh History
accepted into Gitcoin Citizens Retro Round #3 11 months ago.