Web3 Security

$689.18 crowdfunded from 165 people

$1,405.83 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Enhancing web3 and crypto Twitter user security by monitoring impersonation, aiding in blockchain analytics, recovering scam funds, assisting with SIM swap issues, and improving organizational security protocols.

Keeping the users of web3 and crypo Twitter safe.

-monitoring impersonation handles for companies or personal accounts. -Assisting with blockchain analytics. -Tracking down scam funds to KYC'd accounts. -Getting people back into accounts after being SIM swapped. -Going through current security protocols and implementing changes to make Org security better for the company and users.

Web3 Security History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 165 people contributed $689 to the project, and $1,406 of match funding was provided.

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