Web3 with Dhee Cohort: Basics to Intermediate of Web3

$46.48 crowdfunded from 46 people

$69.80 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Starting a web3 cohort to transition beginners to intermediate users through a 2-month, fun, accessible program while promoting inclusion and diversity in the space.

Learning web3 is broken. It's very navigate the space without knowing what to look for. There are YT tutorials for everything, but still its hard. People need HELP

but before that little bit about myself

I started with an fun and educational podcast called web3 with dhee and interviewed top founders and leaders in space from Polygon, AAVE, Axie Infinity, Delphi Digital & more.

People enjoyed my content on Twitter, YT, Instagram but I always got flooded with extremely basic questions "hey dhee how to make a wallet" "wtf is DEX, AMM, or LP?" I really couldn't answer 100s of messages on 1v1 basis but realized that learning is broken.

Hence I am starting a web3 cohort which helps you go from noob to intermediate degen.

Teach all the nuisances needed to be a web3 native, in a fun, accessible learning environment in a 2 month cohort.

But Dhee, people can just watch YT videos and learn? True, but you can learn Yoga by watching YT videos, you still hire a tutor, to help, support and guide you through the difficult journey and lots of questions.

I want to educate folks about web3 and encourage women and other underrepresented population to join and learn about web3.

What will I do with the money:

  1. More episodes of Podcast:
  2. Scholarship & grants to promote Inclusion, Diversity in the course.

Curriculum : https://good-catcher-63b.notion.site/Curriculum-ed8e838f6b3a4269be76253c9b6b03a8?pvs=4 FAQ: https://good-catcher-63b.notion.site/FAQ-2ef585af98b9489da3db8f114ddfe02a?pvs=4

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/dheerajshah_ My Lens: https://lenstube.xyz/channel/dheerajshah.lens

Web3 with Dhee Cohort: Basics to Intermediate of Web3 History

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