Women in Blockchain Farsi: Empowering and Educating the Farsi-Speaking Community

$121.47 crowdfunded from 10 people

$537.97 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
An online course for Farsi speakers on blockchain technology, Solidity, and DeFi, fostering education, diversity, and inclusion, specifically empowering women in the Middle East.

We are excited to introduce the newest "Women in Blockchain Farsi" project, an online course aimed at educating the Farsi-speaking community about blockchain technology, Solidity programming, and decentralized finance (DeFi). This course is part of the Web3 Community & Education round and will be conducted over the summer of 2023, running for a total of 3 months.

The Women in Blockchain Farsi team, consisting of graduates from the ConsenSys Academy Bootcamp 2020 and the first Secureum Bootcamp for Smart Contract Security Auditing, has a proven track record of success. In summer 2021, they taught a cohort of 35 students in live classes, garnering more than 35,000 views on their YouTube course.

Course Content:

The online course will cover the following topics:

  1. Blockchain basics: Introducing the concept of blockchain technology, its history, and its potential impact on various industries.

  2. Ethereum network: Explaining how the Ethereum network functions, including its architecture and consensus mechanisms.

  3. Proof of Stake and Staking: Exploring the principles of Proof of Stake, staking, and how they contribute to the security and decentralization of the Ethereum network. We will touch on liquid staking protocols (e.g. Lido and Rocketpool) and how DVT works.

  4. Solidity programming: Teaching the basics of Solidity, updates since the last cohort, new decentralized toolings such as The Graph, Chainlink, Gelato Network, etc.

  5. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Introducing DeFi, its applications, and how it empowers individuals and communities by democratizing access to financial services.

  6. Security and Solidity best practices: how to develop secure smart contracts and also basics of code auditing and participating in bug bounties.

Accessibility and Inclusivity:

To ensure that the course reaches a diverse and inclusive audience, all materials will be in Farsi, catering specifically to the Farsi-speaking community. The course content will be open-sourced and published on YouTube and our dedicated forum, allowing for widespread access and facilitating further community engagement.


The Women in Blockchain Farsi project aims to achieve the following goals:

  1. Growing new communities: Encouraging the growth of local communities, especially women in the middle east, interested in blockchain technology and DeFi. Women face many governmental restrictions and social barriers in this region to participate in the tech workforce. Educating them on decentralized technology enables them for global collaboration and innovation, significantly impacting their quality of life and independence.

  2. Providing educational resources: Developing high-quality educational content in Farsi to address the needs of the Farsi-speaking community, bridging the knowledge gap and promoting understanding of blockchain technology.

  3. Creating content: Producing informative and engaging content to attract and retain a diverse audience, driving interest in blockchain technology and its potential applications.

  4. Onboarding new users: Facilitating the integration of new users into the blockchain ecosystem by providing accessible, user-friendly resources and support.

  5. Working on inclusion, diversity, and advocacy: Promoting a diverse and inclusive environment, empowering underrepresented groups, and advocating for greater access to resources and opportunities.

We invite you to join us in supporting the Women in Blockchain Farsi project, as we work together to educate and empower the Farsi-speaking community through blockchain technology and decentralized finance.

“Woman, Life, Freedom”

In our opinion, this grant is exempt from US sanctions as detailed in Iran Unchained Legal Primer. For any questions feel free to contact the IranUnchained team to clarify any concerns.

Women in Blockchain Farsi: Empowering and Educating the Farsi-Speaking Community History

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