
$296.90 crowdfunded from 229 people

$420.23 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
ZenGuard is a secure marketplace for smart contract wallet modules, offering an array of features like 2FA, recovery, and spend limits to enhance user wallets with on-chain audit verification.

ZenGuard is a module/extension marketplace for smart contract wallets that will enable developers to build and publish new features efficiently and securely so that wallet user can easily find and add features to their smart accounts with ease and the highest security as we do risk assessment via onchain audit verification. The features can be anything: 2FA transactions, account recovery, spend limits, session keys, recurring payment trade automation, etc. You can find a non-exhaustive list here: https://notes.zenguard.xyz/module-research

The current Account Abstraction smart contract wallets are extensible - including Safe, Biconomy, ZeroDev, and many more but only a handful of users add features such as recovery, 2fa, spend limits etc. In fact, out of ~5 million Safe Accounts, less than 5,000 accounts have enabled any feature other than multisig.

Our vision is to make the smart account feature-rich by making the modular smart account secure and accessible through a streamlined marketplace for Smart accounts. You can imagine this marketplace as an App Store but for smart accounts via modules.

ZenGuard will provide various tools and infra for developers and Account users to streamline the development, publishing, and installation of the modules with security with the highest priority: Currently, we are targeting the Safe users on various EVM chains (Safe Marketplace App: https://explore.zenguard.xyz) and eventually other AA wallets by Biconomy, ZeroDev, Soul Wallet etc.

The on-chain verification of security audit attestation of the modules guarantees security.

Here is a PoC of audit attestation verification of Safe modules: https://youtu.be/fiQcLBmHa98

ZenGuard History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 10 months ago. 229 people contributed $297 to the project, and $420 of match funding was provided.

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