average score over 1 application evaluations
ZuForever is a DAO providing discounted, pre-booked accommodations for Web3 event attendees, offering a 40% discount initially, with a 7-day pilot at EthCC, Brussels in July 2024.

ZuForever is a DAO that pre-books accommodations for its members for community-selected Web3 events arund the globe.

A conference-tied co-living option for builders and innovators, bringing people from all over the ecosystem together for a few days in affordable, exciting and interest-tailored properties in cities around the world; ZuForever can cut the cost of booking accommodations by up to 40% for Zuzalians. Any profits that emerge through the price margins of these accommodation partnerships will be placed into a DAO focused on building out an automated, smart-contract based accommodation tool and on selecting upcoming destinations that ZuForever should be active in.

ZuForever will be launching in July 2024, specifically at EthCC in Brussels. This will be a 7 day Proof of Concept for 50 people.

By participating in this QF round, financial commitments for supporting community members can be redeemed to partially cover accommodation fees for Brussels and ZuForever’s EthCC townhouses Proof of Concept.

By supporting us now, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the highest possible discount rate to the Brussels accommodation options, which increase in price according to the below list:

  • Jan (40% Discount)
  • March (30% Discount)
  • April (20% Discount)
  • May (10% Discount)
  • After this, no Discount

Highly suggested that you review, and leave comments, this grant proposal document here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UMIAvX5TRB3FI5GtwL9PCorZaT8mtiBafR-y2F7gbS0/edit?usp=sharing

ZuForever History

Explore projects

Volunteer at Devconnect Istanbul, passionate about Ethereum, aims to learn by contributing to and representing his country at the event, eager to engage with the global community.
Porting a multisig wallet project to Scaffold-ETH-2, alongside contributing to other open source projects in spare time.
Translated web3 content into Nigerian native language to enhance blockchain understanding and adoption, rewarded with ETH and recognition, and enabling future educational workshops in Nigeria.
A global marketplace for green crypto-assets, integrating diverse environmental projects and stakeholders, enhancing transparency and efficiency in green finance, and supporting sustainable token engineering and market liquidity.
Datadex provides a collaborative open data platform using Modern Data Stack tools that allow users to transform data with SQL, share models, and work across devices with modularity and flexibility.