Vision and Goals
ZuWish is dedicated to facilitating the direction of goodwill funds in society towards appropriate donations, encouraging the development of an ecosystem favorable to coordination. The platform curates the wishes of different communities to discover demands for the construction of public goods, thus predicting the most valuable and needed directions for public goods construction to promote intelligent philanthropy. Its core objective is to identify and establish genuine public goods to satisfy the mutual needs and desires of the communities.
ZuWish is a platform that offers a public domain for diverse communities, fostering the blending of various social imaginations, breaking down the boundaries between communities with shared aspirations, and becoming a societal support system for the coordinated distribution of regional resources.
Why do we need ZuWish?ZuWish Manifesto EN+CN
Dysfunction in Public Goods Donations
- Donations come from a wide market of products submitted by individuals or teams that claim to have public goods attributes. However, there is a lack of broad consensus on their validity or importance as effective or significant public goods. Currently, mechanisms that could judge the attributes of public goods effectively exist within specific ecosystems like blockchain, but not so much in the broader decentralized society.
- There's a lack of societal consensus on what is needed for building start-up societies and decentralized communities, particularly those facing the Archipelago and startup society sectors. Effective public goods at a societal level should be relevant to concrete demands and have a communal nature that is needed by multiple communities or pop-up societies. Thus, the establishment of a public good should help multiple communities address specific problems.
- Individual donations can turn into small shopping transactions, similar to collecting favorites on a blockchain. On the other hand, large donations from the ecosystem may not necessarily be entrusted to the community to handle, leading to funds being donated to specialized donation areas like Protocol Guild. If we could effectively guide donations through a consensus of wishes refined by actual community explorations, it would greatly enhance both the diversity of donation targets and the amount of funding that can be supported.
ZuWish Product Design
ZuWish aims to incentivize community islands to make wishes and curate genuine desires, finding commonalities between different community islands' wishes, and providing profound insights to propose consensual wishes for public goods construction. This would allow donors who wish to see their aspirations realized to contribute funds more smartly and effectively to desires that truly promote the development of decentralized societies.
ZuWish's product is meant to fill a gap in the public goods donation field: predicting the direction before construction begins. In the traditional investment field, extensive market research is often required. However, in the public goods construction field, funding mostly comes from donations rather than commercial demands, making it difficult for donation organizations to promote market research (as it's not incentive-compatible). ZuWish hopes to allow market research in the public goods construction field to be completed in a more decentralized manner by builders within decentralized societies, to avoid the waste of donated funds.
Why Explore Public Goods Between Communities
- There is no sufficiently effective protocol to support the call capacity between societal-type communities.
- Public goods between communities act as lubricants and glue, helping to discover directions for joint construction.
- Public goods between communities serve as a central coordination factory.
- Expand non-business-level collaboration to jointly build public infrastructure.
- Competition can occur between local communities.
- More cases of immediate agreement rather than life-or-death struggles, which is conducive to the emergence of coordinated relationships.
ZuWish Module Architecture
Functional Modules
- Admission mechanism: considering the use of Signature Economic and Zupass as admission mechanisms to ensure that value-aligned individuals participate in making wishes.
- Wishing module: allows residents to enter the content of their wishes, with the function easily embedded in the homepage of startup societies/communities.
- Wishes curation protocol: curates multiple wishes from different communities and creates corresponding automated donation vaults through smart contracts.
- Intent governance module: through incentive mechanisms, curated wishes enter the public governance phase and decide whether it is a recognized curation.
- Incentive layer:
- Witness module: uses EAS to attest to the behaviors of wishing, curating, and donating.
- Vault management protocol
Role Modules
- Wishers: offer observations from different backgrounds and perspectives, contributing their ideas.
- Curators: help discover the commonality between different wishes and curate them into a common wish.
- Donors: willing to donate to the curated results.
- Implementers: people who build the public wish together, obtaining rewards from the wish prize pool through construction.
Wishes Curation
Imagine you are Santa Claus, or perhaps Jesus himself. Every day, you receive wishes from people around the world, reflecting the real issues of society. But there are too many wishes! The wish curators will act as product managers on a societal level, discerning the communal issues behind these wishes from different communities and providing detailed consensual wish descriptions.
The Story of ZuWish
This is Not a New Product
Undeniably, the previous version of ZuWish was designed in April 2023 as a successor to The Wishing Pool, which had its design philosophy presented at Zuzalu Hackathon and EDCON 2023. However, the design was never quite satisfactory, so development was delayed.
After Montenegro, I came to the local community of 4Seas in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to explore the startup society further, deepening my thoughts on The Wishing Pool. It was after Zuzalu's post on decentralization that I was suddenly inspired by the potential upsurge in 2024 of a decentralized society built with extensive offline community participation. ZuWish should focus more on establishing Legitimacy for public goods that serve inter-community interests and aid in better collaboration between different communities.
Why We Still Hope to Continue with ZuWish
In fact, we have never stopped exploring; we are constantly practicing how to facilitate more effective collaborations between multiple communities. The most effective method we've discovered is: to find public goods that multiple communities need to build, so we collaborate for the collective demand. It's a win-win situation.
During my time at 4Seas, I established a virtual community fund pool, dedicated to supporting public goods that require cross-community participation in construction. In fact, we have supported MuChiangMai, WamoTopia, CMUBA, among others, which are public goods built through the collaboration of multiple communities or organizations.
Exploration of Inter-Community Relationships within the Chinese-speaking Community
4Seas is a community with a physical space built by Chinese Web3 builders. We have deep connections with other Chinese communities like Plancker, GCC, Uncommons, LxDAO, WAMO, and more. These communities try to collaborate deeply through inter-community communication and shared public goods formation. Each community is independent, but they all feel like a strong collective whole.
Archipelagos, Our Foundation for Startup Societies
Archipelagos consist of countless self-organized communities, perhaps exploring the organizational form of PopUpCity, or trying to gather a group of smart people to explore avant-garde subjects in such a form. It's the PopUpCity that brings people to the same place to form a small society/community, and a group of PopUp communities distributed globally can form a large society. But within this large society, what links these community islands?
An Island
Independent individuals join the action of PopUpCity, hoping to have more collaboration within this community and to explore more collective wisdom. So, during a one or two-month stay, residents will participate in a rich communal life to foster understanding among each other. Hackathons are an effective glue layer, forcing residents to collaborate with others, gaining friendships, and more possibilities in the process. A small island, a flash village/city composed of 80 - 200 people, is a temporarily constructed small society, with all residents responsible for the experience of this society.
A Group of Islands
After Zuzalu's decentralization (regardless of whether it is decentralized), a large number of countries and teams around the world are planning unique flash village/city projects. Interestingly, the end of Zuzalu's flash village activities in the physical world seems to be just the beginning of these islands. What we know is that after all flash city events end, a new tightly-knit online community of about 200 people will be born. Imagine, by imitating Zuzalu, how many new communities will arise in the world in 2024?
Let's think abstractly: if we view each of these unique islands as residents of the archipelago, each with their own areas of expertise, unique ways of thinking, lifestyles, and their own perplexities, how should these small island communities interact globally? How can these islands become a cooperative relationship? This is precisely the theme ZuWish explores: inter-community nature.
Islands Forming a Startup Society
In the recent thought experiment of islands, composed of individuals and multiple small islands forming archipelagos, the structure is fractal in graphic terms. Undoubtedly, at any observational scale, both the small islands and the archipelagos are societal. Because whether the perspective is human or island-centric, the symmetrical theme is highly cooperative in terms of time scale and spatial scale. The difference is that people are easier to coordinate and more flexible, while organizations are harder to coordinate and lack interactive interfaces.
Archipelagos are startup societies constructed by numerous communities, and can even be considered Popup Societies. I envision that the society of the future will be a vast formation of startup societies composed of a multitude of communities, non-governmental organizations, and global physical enclaves. Therefore, ZuWish aims to build the domain of social interaction within this framework.
ZuWish History
accepted into Zuzalu Q1-Tech Round 1 year ago.