Zuzalu City
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Zuzalu.city is an online community space fostering collaboration through open-source tools, emphasizing privacy, ease-of-use, modularity, composability, and interoperability for decentralized software development.

Zuzalu.city Project Description

At Zuzalu, we believe in the power of open frontiers and decentralization to shape a future where every voice is heard, and every community thrives. Our journey continues with Zuzalu.city, providing an online space to build tools for Zuzalu software and empower communities.

As we embark on this new journey, our primary goal is to cultivate a thriving community space that fosters collective collaboration. Zuzalu.city is more than a solution; it’s a catalyst for diverse initiatives and spin-off communities within and around Zuzalu.

To achieve this, we are building open-source tools that empower everyone in our community. Coordinate builders in the community to build towards application experiences and tools both for/and independent of Zuzalu.city.

Vision & Principles:

Our vision for Zuzalu software development is guided by five fundamental principles: Privacy, Ease-of-Use, Modularity, Composability, and Interoperability. These principles form the bedrock of our commitment to creating an online environment that is secure, user-friendly, flexible, customizable, and seamlessly interconnected.

Definitions of principles:

  • Privacy - Ensuring user data is private and in the control of users. Using privacy tech like ZKPs.
  • Ease-of-Use - Focusing on spin-offs among other communities to be able to run their own sets of tools without deep technical knowledge.
  • Modularity - Broken down independent modules and components each with their own attributes and functionality. This is to create more flexibility and be adapted to the needs of any given community.
  • Composability - to be able to integrate a combination of various modules/primitives to create a customized, larger system.
  • Interoperability - allows different systems or apps to interact and exchange data between them seamlessly.

Objective & Progress Update:

Building Together:

Zuzalu.city stands as a vibrant hub where collaboration thrives. Over 100 builders from various projects have joined forces, bringing their unique perspectives and skills to contribute to the Zuzalu ecosystem.

The primary focus is to underscore interoperability between Zuzalu.city and various tools, ensuring seamless integration. A robust coordination process will be established, empowering community members to actively contribute and develop missing modules and components. This diverse group of contributors embodies the collaborative spirit that fuels our mission.

Invitations will be extended to Guilded, enhancing community engagement with a focus on fostering meaningful and high-quality interactions.

Current List of Contributors

Zuzalu Software Contributors

Progress Update:

  • With the combined efforts of contributors, Zuzalu.city has been open to use at ZuConnect in Istanbul so that the attendees can view and apply the events around freely with Zuzalu Passports.
  • Starting January 30th, Zuzalu.city will be open for registrations from any Zuvillage events looking to join the vibrant community.
  • Ensure modularity and composability for other Zu-communities to build upon or with us. With discussions of of interoperable infrastructure that upholds the design principles and collaborative framework, we are preparing to publish infrastructure proposal and launch into implementation of basic community experience features.
  • Research and collaboration has been actively coordinated among builders in the server across teams that focuses on decentralize and upgrading projects to be included in the zuzalu community spaces for communities to use for their own coordination. Since December, a collaborative hack to bring carbonvote.com into usage by communiteis has been coordinated whereas many other efforts started to embark on identity, reputation, treasuray, governance and etc. (see: https://zuzalu.craft.me/ZIzStdH9gNWmWI)
  • The project while discussing with requirements of future Zu-villages in various location has been advising and supporting Zu-villages both in operation preparation and software.

Live DApp: https://www.zuzalu.city/

Take a peek at the prototype: https://zucity-proto.framer.website/

Next Steps:

We will continue building open-source tools for everyone to use. Coordinate builders in the community to build towards application experiences and tools both for and independent of the app. We also need to build a basis for an engineering environment to create a better process for a whole community of developers to contribute/co-build with us.

Some planned native features for an app experience:

  • A social system with feeds, posts, etc.
  • Identity Layer
    • A “catch-all” DID. Use any pass or wallet to auth/verify creds. DID would be platform-specific.
  • Improve event modules and implement additions i.e. side-events, ticketing, improve user experience.
  • Implement Community Spaces that can be customized with different native modules like events, messaging, and posts.
  • Coordinate builders to hack features needed and integrate with exsiting projects to be in the Zuzalu Tech Stack.

Build with us!

We eagerly await enthusiastic members to join forces with existing community builders, and contribute and take on challenges together. Here are at least three ways to get involved:

  1. Co-build Shape the OS and build tools.
  2. Module/Plug-in/Extension Integrate tools into the toolkit.
  3. Requirements Providers (Feature R&D) Test Zuzalu infra with specific community experiences.

Join Guilded - R&D, coop building portal

Join Zuzagora - for existing ZuPass holders

Zuzalu City History

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