Digital platform enabling African green projects to sell impact credits to non-green businesses and sustainability investors, using blockchain for transparency and fostering local environmental and socio-economic growth.
Created 1 year ago
GoodDollar is fundraising to support GoodCollective, a platform that offers direct payments for climate action initiatives, integrating technology to facilitate environmental stewardship and sustainability, piloting in Brazil and Kenya.
Created 1 year ago
WarmOFF - CO₂ removal project
Developing an efficient, scalable carbon dioxide removal technology using electrochemistry and quinones, with the aim to create an open-source solution for a greener planet.
Created 1 year ago
NeptuneChain integrates sensors, drones, and buoys with blockchain to monitor water quality and incentivize farmers to reduce nutrient pollution via a nutrient banking model. Seeking a $200,000 grant to scale efforts.
Created 1 year ago
SANE Foundation: Pioneering Web3 Climate Solutions in Bioregions Worldwide
Web3-powered S.A.N.E. Foundation fosters global climate solutions through bioregional stewardship, regenerative economies, and a novel SANEconomy system that values natural capital and community well-being.
Created 1 year ago
Eco-capitalism 2.0 is a web3-oriented research and advocacy project aimed at transforming natural capital markets through policy influence, investment strategies, and education, decentralizing market power.
Created 1 year ago
BFF (Beyond Fossil Fuels) - Stand Strong for Wet'suwet'en Yintah
Supporting Wet'suwet'en Nation's legal battles against the Coastal GasLink pipeline to preserve their territory and adhere to climate commitments.
Created 1 year ago
Developing an eco-friendly cryptocurrency backed by solar-powered green rooftops that produce clean energy, capture CO2, and transform into digital tokens representing environmental value.
Created 1 year ago
Company tokenizes unmined gold with a security token, aiming to offer a sustainable store of value and support community economic development, while seeking regulation for the token.
Created 1 year ago
GG18 AgroforestDAO
Movement to incentivize regenerative agriculture combining food sovereignty, forest restoration, and cultural connections through web3 technologies to blend urban and rural societies for sustainable food forest management and community support.
Created 1 year ago
AI For Trees
Innovative AI and blockchain project to verify tree species and promote preservation, aiming to reduce GHGs in alignment with the GG18 Climate round goals.
Created 1 year ago
Circonomy aims to create a circular, on-chain economy through a DAO, enabling peer-to-peer marketplaces and "ReGen" maker spaces, empowering collective ownership of "phygital" NFTs, and fostering materials-science R&D within a decentralized-science community, complemented by a learn-to-earn platform and a subscription aggregator for ReFi projects.
Created 1 year ago
Pellet stoves and solar panels for rural Namibian community
German NGO provides solar-powered pellet stoves and solar panels to Namibian families for efficient cooking and renewable energy, promoting sustainability and reducing deforestation.
Created 1 year ago
Khepera Blockchained Bioregeneration For Climate And Education Proposal
Decentralized Impact Organization Khepera DIO develops the D-LAV system using black soldier fly larvae to bioregenerate waste, reducing methane emissions and improving sanitation, with a rollout pilot in The Gambia, incorporating AI, 3D printing, blockchain technology, and NFT economy for self-sustaining education funding.
Created 1 year ago
EcoVision - Honduras
Underwater conservation initiative offers beach cleanups, underwater trash removal, coral nursery maintenance, coral disease treatment, composting, and recycling projects, with education and crypto integration.
Created 1 year ago