A ReFi project that incentivizes sustainable composting with worms to transform organic waste, reduce pollution, and foster environmental education and community participation.
Created 4 months ago
Effortless Onboarding: Onboard Faster with Web3 Tools on Google Sheets!
Create a user-friendly Web3 google sheet plugin for money management without wallet connection, enhancing safety, ease of use, and cross-chain money tracking.
Created 4 months ago
OnChainTrust aims to enhance blockchain security and transparency by providing on-chain verification for smart contract owners, protecting users from various attacks with a Kill Switch feature for Dapps.
Created 4 months ago
Namespace - ENS-based web3 identity platform
An ENS name management platform simplifying web3 identity issuance and ENS adoption with a suite of tools for subname allocation and integration across L2 chains.
Created 4 months ago
Industry-leading onchain analytics newsletter with 200+ issues, 400+ contributors, distributed globally to 30,000+ weekly subscribers, pioneering 'onchain journalism'.
Created 4 months ago
KoL Token
Tokenize social influence into revenue-generating assets, improve Ethereum economy through innovative financial mechanisms, and offer a digital identity and dual NFT rewards system.
Created 4 months ago
BerryLab is a hub offering tools for easy management and analysis of crypto wallet data to improve users' Web3 experience.
Created 4 months ago
Inferer Airdrop Protocol
Launched in 2021 by Inferer Labs, the Inferer Airdrop Protocol is the first decentralized web3 airdrop protocol, creating a data-driven, user-profitable ecosystem to revolutionize web3 advertising through airdrops.
Created 1 month ago
Dessage is a secure communication platform enabling cross-ecosystem messaging with end-to-end encryption, supporting multiple protocols, and allowing users to link blockchain addresses for easy message exchange.
Created 4 months ago
Collection of 3333 NFT titans promoting sustainable living by transforming waste into eco-friendly housing, creating green microeconomies and profit with societal impact.
Created 4 months ago