Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) - Extension Round

Currently running on the Arbitrum blockchain from 10 May 2024 00:00 to 19 Sep 2024 21:33 (UTC).
No matching funds available Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
19 Sep 2024 21:33
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Verified Network
Implement Uniswap V4 hooks to support capital raising, secondary trading, and margin trading features for RWA token issuers.
A scroll-to-find platform that makes crypto investing engaging by presenting projects in a visually appealing, cinematic manner for a seamless, immersive experience.
Aloe is a permissionless lending protocol on Uniswap with risk-isolated pools, dynamic LTVs, and efficient liquidations, offering improved liquidity management for lenders and borrowers. Launched on Arbitrum in 2024.
Fairblock simplifies on-chain encryption, making it composable and compliant across major protocols, applications, and wallets.
Fairblock simplifies on-chain encryption, making it composable and compliant across major protocols, applications, and wallets.
Fairblock simplifies on-chain encryption, making it composable and compliant across major protocols, applications, and wallets.
Fairblock simplifies on-chain encryption, making it composable and compliant across major protocols, applications, and wallets.
An automation protocol streamlining personal saving by unifying non-custodial yield and loan opportunities to enhance wealth generation, reduce friction, increase transparency, and ensure self-custody.
Uniswap & OctoBot
Integrate Uniswap and Uniswap on Arbitrum into OctoBot to enable automated trading strategies, aiming for user adoption, retention, and community growth. Requested funding: $60,000 ARB.
A trusted yield optimizer offering a web app to autocompound crypto yields across multiple DeFi chains, saving time, gas, and improving returns.
QD tokens are similar to zero-coupon bonds, through a utility for re-staking sDAI (or cNOTE) achieve a cross-chain future $ (through CCIP) which allows leveraging long (and short) without mandatory liquidations.
I want to test the flow